This is Amy Hennig

She worked for Naughty Dog last generation and created the Uncharted franchise. She was a script writer who kept Druckmann in check and vetoed his most retarded ideas. However, in 2014, Druckmann forced her out of the company so he could make the game he REALLY wanted- The Last of Us Part II.

For over a decade she was the keystone that kept Druckmann from completely ruining Naughty Dog, and now that she's gone Druckmann's flipped his shit and put all his retarded ideas that Hennig wouldn't let him use into TLOU2

Say something nice about her.

Attached: amy-hennig.jpg (1280x720, 79.69K)

Other urls found in this thread:

also legacy of kain, zoomer

cool fanfic op

What were his retarded ideas? Naughty Dog was great in its heyday, but yeah I think she was a big part of that.

She also wrote good vampire games.

Kain was based

Hennig rules and ND is back to full retard

Cool story, SJW
More info
Nice. I've been thinking about trying out those games.

White women are truly our greatest ally against jewish degeneracy.

She got done wrong and I think everyone can agree.
Fuck druckmann

Shut up, feminist.
Good riddance, fuck somy and fuck uncharted.

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Top 5 best director or whatever, with IGA, kojima,kamiya and mikami

this sounds more like the truth. Thread is 100% full of shill.

She was a real human bean, and a real hero.

Attached: vaevicav.png (139x139, 17.83K)

I liked Uncharted even if the writting was mediocre, besides 3 which was only ok

Based. It's all about "support women in gaming" until there's a woman that's actually good at what she does and not a diversity hire, then they let her go for not toeing the line.

I love Amy but 4 was a lot better than 3.

And yes I know she didn't write that one.

Whatever you say Neil

Not really, to surpass the epicness of uncharted 3 i was expecting drake to go in space,3 was awesome because drake was facing the elements, Fire castle, Cargo plane scene, the brilliant tsunami scene and the desert, 4 felt underwhelming with car chase and boat chase and stupid fucking mummy trap bombs

Wrong. 4 wasted your time more with low interaction segments

That's called a counter-revolutionary, user

>Men > Women > "Men" > "Women"
Prove me wrong.

>first third of the game is climbing and holding forward

Attached: sleep_cat.jpg (225x225, 9.62K)

The best.

God I want another LoK game written by her.

Naughty Dog is deified

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Uncharted is absolute trash and she had nothing to do with ND'S best games.

>and created the Uncharted franchise
Thanks for ruining Sony games forever.

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To corroborate this, the voice actor for Nathan Drake is officially on record stating that 8 months of recording were thrown away after Amy got forced out. Not only this, but Alan Tudyk left the production for this very reason.

You chuds only hate Druckmann because he supports LGBT rights and is Jewish. Pretty lame reasons if you ask me.

Is she still in the industry?

She was based with LoK.

She was part of the reason why Naughty Dog went to shit by moving into cinematic crap. Druckmannsteinberg just moved even more towards that and added his pozzed ideology. But ND became shit thanks to people like Hennig.

>Supporting a demonic pseudoscience
>has bad genetics that causes his predictable neurotic behavior

Seems like valid reasons to me. All leftists are evil, so they lack the humanity to see a problem compared to normal people.

No, we also hate him on the fact that he's a conniving backstabbing piece of shit and a talentless hack too. Also the fact that he places ideological propagandizing on a higher level of importance than writing a captivating story.

Yeah, but remember how 3 fucked up aiming, it was nearly impossible to smoothly move the reticule around, and it wasn’t until ages later that they patched in option to make it like 2.

3’s story also made no sense. It was basically a collection of like 4-5 levels that could have been DLC for 2. There was no consistency or thread linking them together.

4’s story is boring and padded, but the bits of gameplay that are there are fantastic. Which is why Lost Legacy is the second best Uncharted game, if it started Nate and Sully instead of Chloe/Nadine it would be the best.

Seriously, just imagine Uncharted 1’s story put onto the world and gameplay of Lost Legacy. Perfect Uncharted game.

He's also a gay predator

> Also the fact that he places ideological propagandizing on a higher level of importance than writing a captivating story.
Actually, he only said they were of equal importance

Attached: druckmann.png (1679x1175, 649.05K)

She was directing a Star Wars game at Visceral but it got canceled.

user, hennig is dutch if anything

>Actually, he only said they were of equal importance
And yet that's not how he acts.

Where is she now? Is she working on anything?

>those thick brown curls
>qt coffee colored gf

what's not to love user?

To be fair having a few games like it isn't necessarily a bad thing. For what the games were it worked.