Is this a bad character?
Is this a bad character?
not for a video game. would probably be cringe in an actual movie though
No, that would be Lightning or Noctis.
Noctis was cool
He's not even remotely close to a bad character. People only hate him because they only pay attention to literally his first hour of screentime and nothing else.
Saying he is a bad character is a meme.
Even that laughing scene makes contectual sense, it is suposed to be cringy.
No Tidus was alright
Not a masterpiece of writing of course but a good enough JRPG protag, nothing wrong with that
HAHA we're going to have our friend die for some bullshit in this eternal nightmare
The only people who unironically dislike his character are trannies that sperg out whenever they're forced to play somebody with explicitly masculine features - in this case merely playing sports. The fact that he plays a sport is the reason they hate him. They hate everyone who plays sports since they are either extremely thin twink manlets or 6'5" 350lbs monstrosities.
No he is a perfect fish out of water character.
idk I was slightly upset that Waka had no character arc in 10. Like he was pretty firm about burning people at the stake and that the Al Bhed were desert Jews.
Then all this shit happens and he finds out that it was all bullshit.
Then its completely ignored and he just mutters I can't believe it the rest of the game.
Also the fact that his ult was both annoying and clearly the strongest in the game so he was a mandatory party member that stayed undeveloped was irritating
He's a mildly retarded sportsdude. Not necessarily a bad character, but an odd choice for a Final Fantasy game.
No worse than the rest of the cast. They were all very bland, one dimensional characters who got little to no character development.
All 3 suck, but Tidus is a billion time worse.
He's better than most FF protagonists, and certainly a lot better than Cloud.
He's top 3 worst FF protagonist you mean.
The only thing that make him looks good is that the party around him is so bland and uninteresting that the little character he shows shine amongst that pile of garbage.
He's right, Noctis was cool, you're wrong.
He's a great character. People dislike him because he isn't yet another stoic tough guy that undergoes zero devlopment.
Auron's unironically one of the best if not the best FF characters and the way that he plays off Titus is amazing.
Might want to go watch his spheres. Pretty interesting guy
Noctis isn't as bad as people would like to make him out to be but he isn't as good as Tidus. Noctis can be annoying but atleast there's some semblance of character growth. Lightning is fucking garbage.
Name a better protagonist, I'll wait.
Yeah, he and Jecht are the only thing to salvage from the mess FFX is.
hes a good character
shame all people think of him are the ooc ah ha ha ha ha scene
All of them besides the "no story" ones like FF1/2/3/5, and Vaan.
He's great. 10's story, world, music, and characters are amazing.
the top 3 FFs are Tactics, 7 and 10. don't (you) me
Tidus was a rich, spoiled douchebag who was forced to go from being the #1 man in the world to a regular bag of bones like everyone else. The happy-go-lucky attitude from his previous life permeated into this dark new world and brought people together. He was highly unlikable - but that was the point. You were watching a boy's journey into manhood.
Not the same guy, but Zidane. I actually like Tidus a lot though, hes one of the best in the series
The real argument is Ashe vs Balthier vs Basch and which one is actually the main character
he actually kisses his love interest so he's already better than a good chunk of other jrpg protagonists
>atleast there's some semblance of character growth.
all shoved in the last hour
>All of them besides the "no story" ones like FF1/2/3/5, and Vaan.
All you did was list protagonists worse then him. Still waiting.
there's the camping scenes tho
Takes longer then an hour to get out of the crystal and beat Ardyn.
Find out you're the dream of dead people being held in torment by some mental magician would probably fuck with your head a bit man
Find out you're the dream of dead people being held in torment by some mental magician would probably fuck with your head a bit man
That's literally my life story. They based the character off me.
So he's Luke but done terribly. Got it.
Which main everything I didn't list is better. That's not hard to understand. Well I guess it has to be, can't be that smart to think Tidus is a good character.
Its ok user. It isn't real.
The year is 1967 and you're the subject of a CIA mind control experiment.
Prove me wrong
Still waiting for a concrete list
Basch was originally going to be the main. but square thought it would bomb financially like vagrant story.
Yes, but he's charmingly bad
>there's the camping scenes tho
but that really doesn't show character development
>Takes longer then an hour to get out of the crystal and beat Ardyn.
Oh yeah, forgot the Royal Edition decided to pad the fuck out of the final chapter for no real reason. Base version it was: out of Crystal > plot dump car ride > ride to the city > sprint to ifrit > ifrit fight > short hallway > final boss.
All can be done in like an hour, even without skipping cutscenes
Makes sense, the only version I played was the Royal Edition on steam. That sounds pretty lame.
Terra, Cecil, Cloud, Squall, Zidane, Lightning, Noctis, Ramza, heck even Zack in CC if you add side games.
>That sounds pretty lame.
true but on the other hand you don't have to fight more bosses in that crappy combat system
Cloud and Noctis are the only legit ones in your list. Terra QQ's all game as in a coma because she can't handle stress. Cecil is literally feel bad and become a paladin. Squall is an emo joke who hates everyone, Zidane has a tail, Lightning doesn't even need an explanation, never played Tactics so Ramza doesn't make the list and Zack is a dead guy.
You don't like holding b to win?