There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who consider themselves gamers and have not yet 100%'d the Final Fantasy 7 Remake.
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW who consider themselves gamers and have not yet 100%'d the Final Fantasy 7...
fuck off shill nobody wants to play this garbage let alone 100% it
Bitch that's like 80 hours, but I'm getting there :)
Correct. No gamer would ever touch this aborted fetus.
Never respond to me or my wife's thread ever again.
But your wife is married to Tyrone.
I dropped it after one playthrough out of boredom.
>The dog from FF:LR
Why even include a thing from a different game?
The same reason that Tifa's tits aren't shown in profile and why he used modified upscale graphics that never existed in the original FF7 game on the left.
He's a disingenuous faggot that spams his image every thread before getting BTFO'd.
i got platinum a few days ago. missing the assess for pride and joy, the assess for the fat chocobo minions, and the barret scene.
Have to reuse assets because Square Enix cuts corners wherever it can.
I'm at 61 hours, still have some quests to wrap up.
But OP I don't like JRPGs.
FF7R isn't a game it's a shit stain
Quickest way to get the Barret scene is to go Easy then...
>Replay Chapter 2 - turn down the flower and call it stupid.
>Replay Chapter 3 - skip all quests and turn down the drink.
>Replay Chapter 8 - skip all quests.
Since you're skipping all the quests and the animation, each chapter takes about 5-8 minutes, you'll be done in under a half hour. Those choices will tank both girls stats enough that it doesn't matter what choices you made in the rest of the game.
Just need to get the last set of dresses and finish the last 7 chapters on hard and I get the platinum
>playing hard mode
>about to face hell house
>he destroyes me in two seconds because tomberrys
>Dont have wardings materia maxed to protect me
Fuck im gonna have to grind
The best place to grind AP is going back to Chapter 12 on Easy Mode, making a direct line for the Coliseum and doing the three man fight. You still get triple XP for beating the game the first time, and clearing all 5 stages of the fight gives you close to 200AP in about 50 seconds.
Yes, completing the game twice is such an accomplishment.
Difficulty aside, the combat is different on Hard mode.
Original end game
>World map, side quests, Uber bosses, ultimate weapon quests, ultimate limit quests, optional cut scenes, optional characters, optional cities, chocobos, hidden materia, gold saucer, etc... all seamlessly built into the main story
7R end game
>NG+ through chapter select
Remake drones will defend this
Just punisher mode with Cloud as soon as they pop out and triple slash as soon as they get up.
It's the same, except even more damage spongy.
What's the deal with the Time Ghosts ripped straight from The Flash?
No, it's not. The enemies have attacks, defenses and phases on Hard mode that they don't have on Normal. Easy as fuck bosses like Hellhouse on Normal become inexplicably pains in the asses on Hard.
I'm not even playing this until they release the whole fucking game in some single bundle, fuck this whole garbage about cutting up one game into multiple pieces and selling every part for full price. I'll see you next decade.
>World map, side quests, Uber bosses, ultimate weapon quests, ultimate limit quests, optional cut scenes, optional characters, optional cities, chocobos, hidden materia, gold saucer, etc... all seamlessly built into the main story
I don't remember that all being at the end of Midgar in the original.
if you unlock achievements by looking up what you need to do in order to get them you are not a gamer
im afraid i might fuck up, and thats coming from someone who has been steam rolling hard mode up until hell house
Airbuster? PFFFFFF i shat on him
i fucked reno in the ass?
rude? a simp thats weak to sleep, solo'd by aerith in fact
I don't remember the original being episodic, either.
You've been watching that stupid movie for 111 hours? Jesus.
yeah it's almost like they were supposed to "expand" midgar?
Lifes too short man. Carpe Diem. I'm on chapter 14 on hard and haven't enjoyed a game this much in a while. Going to get 100 hours out of it. To each their own I suppose.
Someone please answer? Anyone have any theories at all at what they are or why they even exist?
There are people that go after rewardless achievements/trophies as if other people give a shit or would be impressed.
$300+ for how long they drag this out
I did it everytime no problem. You're real issue is during phase 3. Good luck.
They didn't even fucking expand it.
For just the main story, of course. If you want the optional side quests, like the Weapons, you'll need to pay additional.
those tonberrys messed me up so bad
>game can be platinum'd in less than a month after release
Get a load of this guy.
midgar is like the first 3 hours. theres no way in fuck they could remake this game with as much content is on the original
Good job at overrating post game content in ff7.
The amount of times you have to replay multiple chapters to get all the cutscene variations is a bit much.
If they're even included.
It's pretty easy.
Playthrough 1: 100% everything. You get either Aeris or Tifa based on secondary factors, like who you spoke to first in the sewers.
Playthrough 2: Go through chapter 3 or 8 and skip their quests, ending the chapter fast. Acquire the other woman's cutscene.
Playthrough 3: Skip the remaining chapter, having done no quests. Get Barret.
>Game finally goes to the world map.
>Ghosts are essentially an invisible wall to keep you out of DLC areas and DLC content.
They're just conditioning you to accept it ahead of time.
Only time I have a problem with Tonberries is if Aerith stands right in front of the door. They end up popping out on their feet and stab her before I can do anything.