You knew...?

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the game is fucking called metal gear solid

If you didn't cry at this, you have no soul

I will buy this game tomorrow.

You have this thread to convince me to not do it.

Beter shoulda just given Aunt May the cure. NYC locals are cocksucking roaches

can't wait for the sequel

Did raimi go too far with this?

Don't worry, he'll sell his marriage to Mephisto to bring her back to life.

Batham arkham combat is what the game is
Boss fights are shit and might as well not be considered boss fights except for the final one
Many missions are MJ stealth missions which are unexaggeratedly some of the worst ive ever played in a video game with how much they interrupt the flow of the game
If that didn't turn you off, I actually mostly enjoyed it. Better than 90% of what the ps4 has for shit exclusives

kek, beat me to it

>Batham arkham combat is what the game is
Never played batman because I hate DC characters.
>Boss fights are shit and might as well not be considered boss fights except for the final one
>Many missions are MJ stealth missions which are unexaggeratedly some of the worst ive ever played in a video game with how much they interrupt the flow of the game
This sounds like shit but I doubt it makes up a big portion of the game..right? Right?

>I don't know what to do
>Yes you do...


spider kino incoming

you can take cool selfies

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>if you didn't cry at this, you have no soul

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Was more shocked they killed her off.

>Boss fights are shit and might as well not be considered boss fights except for the final one
They mostly rely on you repeatedly spamming gadets and than quick time events when they get stunned while the game throws mobs at you.
>Many missions are MJ stealth missions which are unexaggeratedly some of the worst ive ever played in a video game with how much they interrupt the flow of the game
It's been 2 years or so since I played, but I remember the game forcing her missions down my throat every few missions in the second half of it
Doesn't help that they fucking take around 20 minutes so to complete and don't even tell you beforehand you'll not be playing as Spiderman for it. The game also does this with Miles too. All around a giant fucking chore to get through.

Won’t lie, I cried like a bitch at this part. Was surprised I wasn’t spoiled. Also waited for that gotcha moment. It never came.

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Most boss fights boil down to doing the same simple gimmick 3-4 times, and don't actually take advantage of any of the skills or gadgets you have.
I still to this day think that the Mr Freeze fight in AC was one of the most creative fights the genre has had because at least it forces you to do something different every time, even if it's stupid. These are SUPERVILLAINS. They're supposed to be at least a little bit cunning.
The end of the Rhino fight pissed me off the most out of everything in Spiderman. Overall still a solid game though.

sometimes, the story in spiderman os4 is fucking great and have amazing moments. and others times is: “WAAAAAH PETAH LET ME BE SUICIDAD AND PUT MYSELF IN DANGER, I AM A STRONK WOMIN”

don't listen to him, if you're a spidey fan it is worth it and I think its on sale for 20 bucks right now and that is a steal. The story is pretty solid a completely new AU that takes bits and pieces of ultimate and 616 but I do think that the Arkham series had a better story(at least the first two). The boss fights are pretty good with stand outs being the one against mr negetive and the tag team of vulture and electro, in this way it COMPLETELY outshines the arkham games. Yes there are a bit to many stealth sections with MJ and Miles but they only get 5 total only one of them is a challenge

Naw the miles and MJ sections are literally just small portions of the game, and the bosses with the The main villains serve their purpose as bosses don’t know why the other user thinks that the last one is the only boss. Plus the Combat in Spider-Man is honestly better then Batman in my opinion since you have more then just being stuck to the ground

One of the best otto octavius even compared with comics. God tier even


I was pleasantly surprised on how much of an Doc Ock origin story this game was. People sometimes forget that Ock is a top tier Spidey villain.

>Peter Parker, the guy who never wants to act irresponsible ever again, lets another kid do the Spider-Man schtick despite that shit always ending up in disaster
I wish someone could travel back in time to kill off Bendis. I hate him and his OCs do much

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Peter has has the same VA as Sasuke and Dr Ock had the same VA as Rigby

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the game was mediocre trash and so was the story.
only bottom feeders like this shit lol

arkham combat except worse and with even more QTEs
ubisoft-style open world that would actually make ubisoft blush with how bad and cluttered with useless collectibles it is
barely above average graphics
god-awful framerate
I'm still fucking mad I bought this game

Wait, Rigby from Regular Show? Oh shit it is. Damn, he’s good.

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It was genuinely emotional, but a part of me thinks that they could have saved such a gut punch for a second or third game. We only got to know this version of Aunt May for a little while, and I think the game banks a lot of the emotional investment in the players already knowing the characters and their relationships beforehand.

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Unironically Act 3 saved the game for me

I literally wanted to drop the game after the whole cringefest MJ-Peter interaction in the subway bomb part

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>Soooii game
>proceed to play animal crossing
These kids are so funny lol

Who are you quoting?


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>You jew? YOU JEW!
Good to see Sam still has a career.

I liked this doc ock but I miss when he was just a chad. "I have 4 metal octopus arms now? Fuck it Imma be a mob boss"

so how salty was the fag who made this