JRPG thread

What are you playing bros? Favorite JRPG game from this game? What JRPG are you looking forward to?

I'm having lots of fun with FF7R but I keep getting filtered by Leviathan

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Still playing Final Fantasy 13

Finally reached Ch11 (the plateau, where things become slightly more open) and I'm currently working on some random c'ieth stone missions.

Attached: press triangle to cry.webm (634x532, 2.36M)

Best and Lewdest RPG?

*Favorite JRPG game from this gen?

OP here I fucked up, what's your favorite game of this gen?



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Persona 5 or Trails of Cold Steel 3 tbqh

Leviathan isn't hard, he's just tedious. You suck at video games.

No ass

My favorite from this gen is probably DQ11. I wanted it to be XC2, but it didn't live up to my expectations.

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Just beat Tiamat in FF12. Might have overleveld a bit? I’m level 25 and he went out like a chump.

Xenoblade 2, it was pretty much exactly what I wanted as a sequel.

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>What are you playing
FF XV. I've been doing lots of hunts and I just killed Titan (weird boss battle). I can see why people think the game is shit and so far it's tied for my least favourite FF with XIII (never played FF 2 for more than an hour so it doesn't count).
>Favourite JRPG game from this game
Did you mean generation? DQ XI is one of the few I've played and I think it's fantastic; top three DQ for me.
>What JRPG are you looking forward to?
I don't really play many modern JRPGs so DQ XII in like 5 years

Best Traditional JRPG - Lunar The Silver Star
Best Dungeon Crawler - Labyrinth of 2hu 2
Best ARPG - Dragon Valor
>What are you playing bros?
Vanguard Bandits
>from this gen
idk natural doctrine i guess, no one has given me any reason to give a shit about this gen

Attached: dragon valor.webm (800x600, 2.71M)


just like 99% of tales characters
seriously, you can count the ones who have a decent ass on one hand

>it was pretty much exactly what I wanted as a sequel.
A worse game across the board?

>dragon valor
you are a fucking bro.

>Vanguard Bandits
how is it?

which jrpg should I get from the OS nipsale?

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I can tell you are some kind of mystery meat

Why was this guy so upset anyway. Did he end up playing the final release?

Stop shilling.

Attached: It's a shill episode.gif (692x515, 712.33K)

>better combat
>sexier characters
>better music
>better level design
>more interesting lore
Are you stupid?

>We'll likely never go back to the golden age of Final fantasy
>No more turned base
>No more "fantasy".
>No more castles and dragons
>Its all modern-futuristic shit with fantasy elements sprinkled in

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I'm playing Rance X part 2. It's pretty comfy.

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You are fucking pathetic.

>>Its all modern-futuristic shit with fantasy elements sprinkled in
It's been like that since 1

Voice acting

>sexier characters
This is the only one that's correct, and if that's the only thing you care about then you're a retard.

Play world of final fantasy

Just ignore the XV autist. He's just upset 7R shit all over his obsession.

Imagine taking the time to do what this guy is doing

autism is a helluva drug

>Its all modern-futuristic shit with fantasy elements sprinkled in
Welcome to 1997.

zoomer trying to fit in
the series has always been a mix of medieval fantasy and sci-fi

god you're a faggot

Not really playing it for pleasure, but I'm in the midst of capturing gameplay footage of Tomato Adventure for future update threads as the translation rolls along.

Attached: 29 - Begone annoying Selemo.webm (360x240, 954.5K)

you mean like shilling your gif?


Best and lewd doesnt go together user