Is he right?

Is he right?

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japanese games are better because they're more inspired and have more creativity

nip games > western kusoge

nip games always better than western shit

Her stomach looks abnormally flat? Where are the slight abdominal muscles? where are the vagina bones?

Left: soul, for mature people by people with inspiration and artistical sensibilities
Right: soulless, product for (literally) soibrained insects by other insects, main goal is escapism because the average japanese looks like a mongoloid

He's right if you're not white.
If you're white, pic related is probably more up your alley.

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No if you think he's right make your own game then oh wait you incels aren't talented.

JRPGs suck because there's not even much actual roleplaying in 90% of them. Your decisions don't mean dick and the only thing you can do is pick an arbitrary dialog box or change weapons

both of them look fine, what exactly is the controversy here

>left: aimed at braindead twitter activists
>right: aimed at braindead manchild coomers
it's all shit. burn it all

No because he's calling one side a compass direction while he's calling the other side an ethnicity.

Why not both sides be ethnicities and call it anglo character? Let's be honest it's their females that are shit after all.


Why doesn't the boy on the left just repair his jeans?

Games are more interesting with a unique art style
"Muh realism" is overplayed in the west, "muh realism but anime" is overplayed in the east

Not only that but also western games are boring as fuck.

just because hes right doesn't make him right


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Sexless incel you're such a loser.

What point is he trying to make? That Japanese developers put more effort into designing their side characters than western hacks do their leads?

why would it boggle your mind? left is made by a commie kike, this is what theyve been doing for over 100 years.

Japs embrace we're playing a video game and give us what they are, a fantasy world. Mutts have to abide by social acceptance and inclusion or be labeled misogynists.

The FF7 girl design is just Shiki with a less colorful color palette

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dude realism
dude fiction

>Attractive women are unrealistic
>A woman having a literal bodybuilder's body in a fucking post-apocalyptic wasteland isn't
Someone explain this shit please.

>japanese keep their ideal of coming up characters
>western turn characters to weebs, sissy and society-friendly fags.
Where is badass characters like back in the day?

Attached: mckzW7aC.jpg (194x201, 11.9K)

You people are fucking retarded. Women are supposed to be sexualized, it's their best asset.

Yes one is indeed a main character and the other is indeed a side character

its their only asset*


One is cute and the other looks like a homeless addict.

I fucking hate coomers. They want shitty copy paste waifus in everything and they dont care about character.

Its the reason why senran kagura is not more, FUCK COOMERS

Which one is which?

That’s not a woman. It’s a tranny.

No, really. No sarcasm there

Women without a hint of sexy are powerless creatures.

>Attractive women are unrealistic
>A LITERAL TRANNY in a post-apocalyptic wasteland isn't
Someone, please, for the love of god.
Explain this shit.

>ugly dyke
>generic anime face #4 with retarded design

Attached: EVKLf15VAAU1Eui.jpg (1080x543, 88.16K)

In a realistic situation "she" would be pregnant and missing "her" legs already

>be this fag
>everything has to be artistic and sensible
>probably put their comments on every steam's review
>favorite genre: choice matter, storyrich, femal protagonist
>"telltale story are essential"

Attached: tenor.gif (220x164, 268.09K)

You can’t have that anymore because it’s offensive. Which is why I suggest something different.
Remember Marathon? The Security Officer was badass. But he wouldn’t really fly today, all things considered. It’s just not Zoomer enough.

And one that kind of passes from the neck up, all things considered. If you told me that’s supposed to be female, I’d probably believe you

no arguments as expected
it gets really boring being always right you know...

>find abandoned pharmacy
>hoard testosterone to become tougher and survive
Fuck TLoU, but I could actually see this happening in reality.

>>hoard testosterone
Wrong kind of tranny, stupid.

How the fuck was I supposed to tell?

being bothered by it is pretty fucking stupid. imagine thinking a character design should look a certain way based on your personal tastes.

offensive but brutally realistic.
games nowadays are fancy-based and community focus that make every fucking AAA titles become casual. Even gear series and god of war loose their core values though they are pretty well developed til now

HRT surgeons need to eat too.

This is a MTF tranny

No, he's violently wrong. Left isn't a side character, right isn't even a native video game character.
The whole image is fucked.

>Your decisions don't mean dick and the only thing you can do is pick an arbitrary dialog box or change weapons


fucking misfit

No shit.
A MtF tranny would need to hoard estrogen or HRT or whatever the fuck it is.