Could you take an unggoy in a fight?

Could you take an unggoy in a fight?

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I want to give the grunt the sucky sucky tasty yummy gooey alien gunk

it's shorter than him, but look at the size of its fucking arms. I would crush his head like a melon.

>grunt is the same height as me
>they look like midgets in halo

My life...

Maybe, if i pull his mask off

Those fuckers are that big? The covenant it is a little bit scary.

>grunts can be taller than me
5'4 wtf

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You gotta remember chief is a 7 foot tall cyborg

MC is 7ft, in ODST they were big

Wait I thought grunts were short as fuck, is Chief 10 feet tall?

Probably not. They look like they could rip my face off.

How can a marine feasibly defeat an elite in a 1v1
no weapons just whatever they're wearing

user, don't forget you're playing as someone who's six feet and nine inches tall. How many people do you know in real life that are that tall.


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if you are a Marine in Halo universe you are fuck.
No wonder why the Covenant was wining.

This is something that didn't translate well in Halo, especially in ODST. Grunts always came off as crying midgets.

Fuck no, I've got about 6" on their tallest, but I'm sure one would still fuck my shit up.

7'2 in armor

No. The smallest height for elites is 7'4 while the tallest can go up to 7'8. Of course there are exceptions irl like that guy who killed a bear with no weapons but an average joe? Fuck no.

That Drone is huge.

post the scale with the brute and hunter

So is the height wrong on that chart / is that a special grunt? They look like they barely come up to Chiefs knees in game.

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Yes in ODST they look small. They did't make any perspective correction.

Are you faggots blind? The grunt is 4'7 not 5'7

My last supervisor claimed to be 6'8". It's p. big, I was jealous.

leave the covenant to me

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OK OK that chart is bullshit. There is no way those guys are that big.

That guy would look so funny in Spartan armor.

doesn't this make MC like 8ft tall?

If you pull it off would be die?

Games aren't canon.

Master Chief is like 7 feet tall

Wrong, canon isn't canon.

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Chief is 7'1

If you're 5'0" you are a midget

It would be extremely painful

>How can a marine feasibly defeat an elite in a 1v1
They don't
best case scenario is that you got like 4 or 5 buddies backing you up, if it's just you vs one Elite and you can't rely on a big gun he's beating you to shreds

Based on this and the size of the Drone in that chart it's definitely bullshit, at least in conjunction with the games.
In Halo 2 and 3 the Drones are like half the Chief's size not bigger than a grown man.