Prove it wrong.
Prove it wrong
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Never played Morrowind. Skyrim is a good game.
But Morrowind is better than Oblivion
What's daggerfall in this scenario?
>Morrowind is the worst
yeah I'm confused
deep dish is fucking disgusting
I do t get what you're going for besides letting us know you want to eat pizza (me too)
Its a quarantine, make your own bitcha nigga. If you have flower and cheese and tomato you can make a pizza within the next 60 min.
Most home ovens don't get hot enough to cook a good pizza.
I don't know what that graphic is suppose to mean but I know this — The only good game Bethesda ever made was Morrowind.
Do I have to play the Elder Scroll in order or can I pick any of the games to start off?
now I'm just fucking hungry fuck you
i love pizza and like deep dish the least
>Morrowind is the best
Yes, they do, dumb faggot. I make pizza all the time in a shitty electric one
The only one worth playing is Morrowind.
>go to the store
>interact with possibly contaminated shelves and packaging
>touch possibly contaminated food
>possibly sick people around me
>check out from high risk of carrying cashier or machine used by everyobe
>vs a baked (sterilized) foodstuff delivered in a fresh box by a person who wears a mask and leaves without you paying them
none of the Elder Scrolls games are pizza
Consider your gay thread BTFO
So they just got better as the games went on? Not sure I agree.
The GBA ones look the tastiest.
Where is that?
>>touch possibly contaminated food
This is the one step that makes it safer user. Any possible contaminants are killed when you bake the pizza. So yes, you are potentially at risk during the trip, which can be mitigated through PPE and using a pickup or delivery service, the food itself is guaranteed to be safe*.
*not a guarantee, you can always fuck it up yourself or buy/used literal poison or spoiled product
>Morrowind - deep dish = incredibly dense, get completely exhausted after your first bite/first 10 minutes reading essay long quests.
>Oblivion - NY style = quick and easy, accessible, highly tasty, not much depth or interesting texture. Reliable.
>Skyrim - whatever the fuck that is/middle school cafeteria pizza = disgusting, boring, dull, sucks.
Jesus Christ.
I meant getting the food at the store, such as picking it up off the shelf or home food prep before baking.
>pizza dough is literally just water and flour
There is no flour user...
Papa John’s is literally the best pizza there is.
>Metroid Prime 2
>the best
here's a real 'za
you cant just map elder scroll games to different pizza
oh shit nigga wtf are you doing honey
>Skyrim is the best
>Oblivion is alright but extremely generic
>Morrowind is a bloated disaster
Am I interpreting these pizzas right?
I have no idea if any of these burgers are high quality or not.
They're just burgers.
Can somebody rate them?
>the only bad ones are federation force and fusion
I won't disagree with federation but fusion deserves better
also Other M deserves much worse
Yeah shitty pizza lmao.
>In order to achieve a crust that's tender and pillowy inside with charring on the undercarriage and leopard-spotting along the rim, you need a wood-burning oven with a floor temperature of at least 700°F, and a dome temperature of at least 1,000°F. Anything lower than that, and the crust dries out too much before it takes on color. A home oven maxes out at around 550°F, so barring breaking your thermostat or engaging in other such high-maintenance, obsessives-only style hacks, you're stuck. Perfect Neapolitan pizza at home is a myth. It's a golden ring that can be strived for but never quite achieved.
Maybe the one time where >food analogy but accurate so i cant argue against it.
Gonna play some Metroid tonight
It finally happened. A food burger meme that only burgers can unironically understand.
>Prove it wrong.
Prove it right.
Good post
SHOULD BE a non-ny ny style pizza: delicious, great content, but just lacking a few things to make it perfect.
This should be the chicago style pizza. You look at it and think "fuck this is ugly..." and it's only once you've actually cut it open you see "so it IS a pizza... i think?"
This should be a frozen pizza. Digiorno. Why? Because it looks great on the box, the commercials make it look great, foodies who post food pics make it look good... but then you get into it and realize "well, it doesn't taste like good pizza. It doesn't particularly look appealing. but I'm hungry so fuck it"
>binging with babish
>they're all good
Its a good cooking show
>I have the taste buds of a 10 year old