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Post leaks, I've got a twitter account that I want to burn

I heard that a brazilian xbox channel called xbox mil grau did a livestream just to spoil the joel's death, i'm laughing has 4 hours just seeing the sonyfag's reaction.

Based Xbros

>xchads get blamed
It's the PC bros
Still funny as fuck though

Hope this faggot kills himself

I've had a PS4 Pro for two years and tweets like this make me wanna buy an Xbox Series X day one

Just got banned from twitter for posting the leaks to people who didn't want to get spoiled and generally talking shit about the game
Don't particularly care tho it was just a lurk account anyway

You're a faggot

for real though how the fuck are builds of TLOU2 so widespread people can leak scenes and do a let's play with it without caring about the consequences?

Only Soibois care about spoilers. Marvel has corrupted their minds.

just dont obsessively check social media all day and you are fucking immune to anything getting spoiled

Think of the fans guys :(

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Trannies are livid lmao

What are the spoilers

Hopefully something short, precise and good like "x dies" or some big twist

I wonder how devs feel when their games leak.

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based xbros getting shit on while pcchads are the ones actually spoiling everything, you're all fucking legends cheers

I'm not kidding you at all with this.
Joel is murdered by a trans identifying man while Ellie is forced to watch. We do not know if she dies too, but she might.

joel dies early on, you play as abby's killer and kill ellie too

damn Joel goes hard

>this is the average Snoyfag

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Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck are spoilers Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

You guys are rude babies, people have been waiting for this


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We can stop winning Xbros.
Series X will be the cherry on top, it'll be like the ps3 all over again.

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I waited for Batman V Superman and had to deal with the movie being shit so excuse me for not caring

Fucking hell user you're supposed to respond with spoilers

it's the nintrannies actually

I didn't even care enough to remember the spoilers because the story is such shit my brain can't consciously register what the fuck even happened other than there being TiMs and murder

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>Ellie has the cure of the "zombie" shit
>she's a lesbo
Well, she's an useless homosexual.

>trans identifying man
who the fuck is abby

>Trannies, SJW's and girls are the only ones who care

Just shows you what kind of fanbase TLOU has, kek.

>who the fuck is abby
The lesbo jew?

Imagine actually caring about The Last of Us, of all things, to actually get angry about being spoiled.

>getting a ps4 exlcusive spoiler from an xbox player

playstation and its fanbase has officially fallen.

Genetic code that can save the world
Stays a dike and dooms humanity
Joel is just telling it how it is, the ultimate Kino end either Ellie sacrificing herself or getting pregnant the old fashion way cause no IFV treatments post apocalypse baby, yeah. Inb4 rape baby is the only way.

just show you how much this board has changed


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