how deep are you???
How deep are you???
Ultra Troonlord tier (not pictured)
that is the shittiest image I think I've seen all month.
t. babyman tier
I'm so deep your mom called me dad.
confirmed babyman
Spotted the babyman.
>babyman takes his first steps.
How far gone are you, Yas Forums?
Fuck I think I need to leave the internet I know what every single thing is.
uh oh
Demon Elder God of Shadow, but about to get out of the game
Well, Yas Forums?
It's not on there but I'd say it would fall under Irredeemable.
well what is it?
Latex transformation
What if I want to a sissyfy a guy, but also have him fuck and berate me after his feminization?
could be worse as far as tf shit goes
3D? Normafag.
Hentai? Irredeemable.
I never get people who are into guro. What's the point of killing a cute girl? You're just fucking meat at that point.
you just know this is the guy who takes the HOW DEEP ARE U charts really seriously
A strong portion of fetishes have large aspects of domination vs submission.
That barely makes it into Degenerate my dude.
I've unironically fapped to an equation before.
I feel like some of those things are mismatched. I think some of the things in Fallen are far more redeemable than irredeemable. Are you saying you wouldn't fuck this statue?
Degenerate, unfortunately
I think this chart needs to be updated a little bit. Society as a whole has degraded to the point where some of this shit is definitely not as deep as it was.
YEah, rimjob was a mainstream meme for a while.
2 + 2 = 4
I hate both of these charts equally, each for the complete opposite reason for the other. This thread has smushed what was left of my brain into a small black paste
It still is. People talk about eating ass openly. And I know I'm gonna get flak for this one but furry is definitely more mainstream if the popularity of shit like zootopia and beastars are any indication.
Too simple senpai, it was this one.