What are some inclusive and diverse games?
What are some inclusive and diverse games?
Other urls found in this thread:
The last of Us 2
God of War
The Last of US 1 & 2
Horizon Zero Dawn
all exclusively on the PS4
>color scheme of the mane 6
Die out
Moon Man doom
>mane 6
How would you even know that?
>God of War
Without the political angle and using the words to their true meaning?
Animal Crossing: New Horizons . Why it is selling the bucket load.
Remember the big trolls bosses in GoW? They’re all biexual
Last of us 2 and every other sonygro exclusive.
>The Last of US 1
the only fag in the game is an unlikeable asshole and you kill the female brown bitch at the end
i would have sooner expected it to be some new autistic attack helicopter gender thing, how do you know so much about horseshow that the color schemes cause a immediate trigger to you.
Every game that came out within the past five years. And yes that includes japanese games
Ponka is the best
Angry goy 2, it's fun and super diverse
What alphabet flag is this
There's too fucking many
It's the Barney flag.
Any games with realistic trans?
Hahahaha no way
It's Snoy exclusive you bigot!
It's the MLP flag: Males Lacking Penis.
So if you turn trans you get taller, more muscular, and grow a sweet beard?
thank god nintendo isn’t gay
You can find this shit for literally any large company. It's almost like its common or something.
Anime wouldn't lie to me
>inclusive and diverse games
Buy a Playstation and pre-order a copy of The Last of Us 2 moviegame! Also pre-order the soon to be revealed PS5!
Your dreams will come true, senpai.