I've never played any of the Metal Gear games. Are they worth getting into?
I've never played any of the Metal Gear games. Are they worth getting into?
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propably the most legendary series ever made with story and characters spanning over decades, its a must play
yeah just start with whichever seems tolerable for you and play them in order.
Yes, play in release order. Metal Gear 1 is shit so watch a movie cut, 2 has its fans but I can't blame you for sticking with the movie cut. Solid 1 has aged but you should still play it yourself at least once. 2, 3, 4, PW, and 5 are all gold except the end grind of PW.
>Do you like good gameplay?
If yes, avoid MGS series
>Do you like good storytelling?
If yes, avoid MGS series like the plague
>Are you mentally slow and have a small penis?
If yes, MGS is for you
Absolutely worth it. Each entry is really indepth and unique. The art is great and the story is excellent.
The games themselves aren't too long and they are a good mix of character seriousness, (or at least attempted seriousness that serves as a backdrop) cool techno military stuff, and goofy dude humor. They're also crammed full of easter eggs and small details.
Just try out MGS1 first.
Play MGS1-3 and Rising
The rest is overrated garbage only mentally weak nerds enjoy
>we will never get another Metal Gear game
Thank god
1, 2, 3, 4, Peacewalker, and 5.
Kojima personally recommends starting with 3 (Big Boss)
So I guess 3-PW-5-1-2-4 if you want to go his way
Yes, though there's a big drop in quality for the main games after 3
You still owe it to yourself to play 4 just to understand how bad it is, then play MGR to wash the bad taste out of your mouth and have a satisfying epilogue to the storyline
Avoid 5 and PW
What's left to tell? Prequels with The Boss, Liquid, and Solidus?
Ok tranny
Play solid 1-4, don't bother with 5.
Ww2 cobra unit
>game where you get to cover nazis with bees
Canon Games
Release Order
The Twin Snakes on GameCube makes MGS1 PSX completely obsolete the same way REmake makes the original Resident Evil obsolete. Only nostalgiafags and old good/new bad faggots would say otherwise.
ignore this fag
No more prequels, have a soft reboot with a brand new cast and conflict in the same universe
Not everything in that entire world needs to revolve around Big Boss, Snakes, and the Patriots go the MGR direction and do something new
I'd be down for MG1/MG2 remakes
Who gives a shit about the story
Mgr was dumb and bad. Leave this thread platinumzoomer
This. BB was a specialist in urban warfare yet we didn't see him in any urban environments. Just give me that.
If you don't care about story then all you're getting is map packs for TPP.
Kojima never gave a shit about the story. Every game story was just a coat of paint for the gameplay
MGR shits all over MGS4, 5, and PW
It captured the MGS spirit better than anything Kojima has made in the past 16 years
Same. Never really cared about the series. I hear the story is convulted bs and the games vary wildly in terms of gameplay quality so I'll likely never try them
>man who loves movies and tried his hardest to make his games cinematic doesn't give a shit about the story
Can you make it any more obvious you started with 5?
Don't be retarded.
It's a fun game but you're just flat out fucking wrong.
You're the one playing MGS for the clunky shit gameplay instead of the story
it's convoluted if you're a brainlet, the theme of the entire narrative essentially boils down to 'fuck governments, and fuck peace'
How am I wrong?
4 shat all over the previous games and is stuffed with terrible retcons and character assassinations, 5 is an unfinished pretentious mess that feels nothing that MGS, and PW...lol
Don't be that guy. Metal Gear IS convoluted as shit. The only difference between it and something like EVA or Kingdom Hearts is that it's really self aware and pokes fun at itself. That's its charm.