Have you ever neglected real life obligations to play Video Games?

Have you ever neglected real life obligations to play Video Games?

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why yes, for my entire life of course, why do you ask?

this is cuck/humiliation isn't it
the artist comes across as a huge bitch

>For no reason I'm going to act like you said something really offensive?
Women think she was in the right as well

nobody is saying she's in the right but it's a pretty accurate scenario

Once canceled a date to play New Vegas
In hindsight that was the right choice

the girl transforms into a bovine

the artist who made this is an actual woman so she knows what she's doing

all women do, when you are an oppressed group, you have to play unfair and manipulate to thrive

>shilling your twink patreon comic
Injecto some bleacho

>taking the wrong girl for me to some event i won't enjoy
>real life obligations
OP confirmed kissless virgin.

I don't know if that's better or worse

I hate real life.

This exact scenario basically happened to me.

I don’t regret it, my highschool was shit

>when you are an oppressed group

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user it says "do not redistribute right there" you can't do that

she fucks niggers

basado muchacho

They don't mind she's a cow?

like black people?
in a raceplay-ish way or just dudes/women who are black?
If latter, that's whatever

Kind of
She turns into a huge bitch for no apparent reason and fucks other people

Yes, I almost failed a semester of fucking community college cause I got so obsessed with the Mass effect 3 multiplayer

Aren't all white girls

its a cuckold doujin

actually, fuck that. Her fucking anyone but this guy is obvious humiliation. Bad artist.

Just eating.

yep im thinking based

based and are you me pilled

>clearly western

Casual, I was juggling 3 different games all day and night during every term in college and still made out with a 3.8 GPA.
None of it mattered, not even being on the Dean's list. Nobody cares if you have an associate's or master's unless it's an extremely technically specific job, this entire fucking education system is one big worthless scam meme.

Is it me or does EVERY porn comic have an obvious "I'm pornography!" style?

Like, the eyes are round with small pupils, everybody's skin looks extremely soft, and unnecessary details like sweatbeads are extremely detailed.

You can tell what's porn before the sex even happens most of the time.

Women are basically very feminine, weak manlets with shrill or soft voices, that men want to fuck and impregnate.
They were designed to be oppressed and that's what's happened.

>perfectly good story about a girl being turned into a weird cow freak
>ruin it with cuckshit
Fuck this artist

No, its not, it's a bimbofication and furry transformation comic. The transformation makes her only able to think about eating and wanting to be bred, she doesn't care who does the breeding. The nerd could have if he wasn't such a pussy.




I wish there was a "trying to bait discussion over an off topic image" option.

You forget the sheen, the blush, almost invisible noses and pouty lips

This has a lot of layers of fetish and I don't think I like any of them.

Yes. Right now. I have like 3 assigments pending.

>the beta hasn't even signed up for her OnlyFans
how is this not patriarchal and oppressive?

girl manipulates twink nerd BF to give her big milkers, gives her cow serum he ordered online from the dark web, she grows big tits, she starts turning her attention to hotter guys, she starts turning into a cow anthro, girl gets mad at fuckboy for being negligent, also gets mad that he was horrified that she's becoming a cow creature even though she kinda likes it, she eats a fuckload of veggies and shits cow pies on the floor, goes to school, fucks random students and teachers while transforming, and then the boy is crippled with jealousy and regret and takes the cow serum to turn himself into a big beefy bull guy but he turns into a girly cow slut too

The moral is, don't trust women.

link me up senpai

>trade social skills for vidya skills
>not even good
>actually super fucking casual
>now just a social tard
>always in the lowest in the social pecking order

>and then the boy is crippled with jealousy and regret and takes the cow serum to turn himself into a big beefy bull guy but he turns into a girly cow slut too
I cant believe this comic redeemed itself

Vidya over THOTs. Don't waste time on them. Vidya, money and most importantly, self. Inb4 have sex incel, no, I've had almost two decades of sex, outdoor sex, threesome, cheating etc.

>he takes the cow serum to turn himself into a big beefy bull guy but he turns into a girly cow slut too

Not that user, but I know the artist is marmelademum

Did this fucker ever updated the thing?

he made that part up

Fucking marmalademum. Is that futa Jessie comic ever going to get finished? I'd rather have that than this furry transformation bullshit.

Chad hands typed this post.

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Too real

Attached: not too bad.png (438x440, 119.93K)

Name one thing that women aren't allowed to do in the western world.

take accountability for their actions

>girl gets mad at fuckboy for being negligent, also gets mad that he was horrified that she's becoming a cow creature even though she kinda likes it
But why though.

kill all wh*te m*n