Who would win?

Who would win?

Attached: hit tih vs namman.jpg (2048x1232, 159.51K)

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>2 guns
>forked tie
>legs aren't bowlegged
HIT TIH wins for sure

Since the flying homing briefcases are confirmed canon N A MM A N would win

NAMMAN has two suitcases. He wins easily. His tie is also tucked inside his shirt, so no one can grab it in the middle of a fight.

>He doesn't take into account the 2 mystery cases

hittih is a quickshot but namman has homing briefcase

Be worried when a nigga comes prepared, user, ИAMMAN could have anything in those briefcases. It could even be a gun.

Select your operator

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The great debate

Attached: LamaJ vs Erioioire.jpg (1268x711, 219.56K)

HITTIH tries to shoot at NAMMAN, but the bullets ricochet back at him and NAMMAN wins ezpz

Easily Montиom. That guy's an absolute fucking unit.

ИAMMAN has his tie all tucked in cause he KNOWS shit's about to go down and he doesn't wanna get blood stains on it or have it be available for an enemy to grab. Also the mystery suitcases. I put my money on ИAMMAN 9 times out of 10.

>not choosing ERIOIOIRE

Depends, do we have Hitman 2 level of briefcase physics or not?

The right, always bet on RU-AP mines in bags.

This. STR vs DEX, always ST

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Blilb, Pullup, and Dood.


Get with the times, grandpa.

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Montnom, Blilb, and Blilb for maximum shields.

Nanman is a fucking floating ghost with two magic murder bags, he got this down

Time to break this one out.

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HITTIH has two 2 pistols, but ANYTHING could be in NAMMAN's brief cases.

>Tie flying everywhere, coat open, obviously not prepared to operate in high wind conditions
>Thinks two guns makes him look cool, mallninja as fuck
>Weak nerd stance, easily knocked over

>Tie tucked into shirt, coat under control, prepared for all weather conditions
>Two briefcases, professional as fuck
>Power stance as sturdy as the mighty oak, impossible to knock down

Literally virgin HITTIH vs chad NAMMAN

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He's clearly bunny hopping with the greatest of ease.

The Brief Case


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>Skyrim with guns

>Fallout 4 with fists

NAMMAN. Homing missiles always win

Left has two guns, easy win.

I think Nam man has the leg up because of his war experience. Yeah Hittih has two guns, but he's clearly a newbie trying to dual wield like that, and who knows what's in Nam man's briefcases.

Well Yas Forums?

Attached: FrorF DUD vs MooM tsust.jpg (1662x1055, 573.81K)

This is the best one

TSUST just queefed his lioncloth to SHREDS.

FRONT DWD looks genuinely triumphant, while MOOM TZUST looks like he's just pelvic-thrusting over-confidently

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>FRORF DUD can only hit with stick
>MOOM TSUST is an arcane stickmancer that can attack with magic floating stick and his fists at the same time

Who the fuck do you think wins?

MOOM has the confident wide stance

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Wrong. The stick is part of the logo. Only FRORF DUD can break the fourth wall.

>he doesn't know about homing briefcase

dood what have you done to me

i'm surprised i haven't seen the briefcase webms in this thread yet

Always bet on DukeXekuD

Attached: Mekuwukem VS DukeXekud.png (1363x762, 1.5M)

>Merce Playground
>double babes
>rated 32+
I like the look of this game

Mekuwukem is a perfect 10 while DukeXekud is only an 8. It's not even a question.

someone do EYE

Are the NuHitman games actually worth playing or are they just overhyped zoomer garbage?

MOOM wins since he controls the waves, so he can extinguish the flames of the volcanoes.

They're pretty good.

>You'll never hit me! You'll never hit my tiny head! It's so tiny! I got a freakin, such a tiny little head!

They're good, just turn off hints and play blind.

I never understood why hints are automatically on

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Attached: RoooR v EUwUE.png (1384x768, 1.52M)

Rooor only has two hidden blades, but he's a big guy. Euggue has two guns, but he doesn't look as strong.

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I'm still mad that it was just a reskinned blowdart in the game, and that the hooded outfit on the cover wasn't even in the game.