Gordon Freeman... in the flesh
Gordon Freeman... in the flesh
Or rather... IN THE HAZARD SUIT!!!!!
Why does the resistance make so a big deal out of Gordon Freeman? For 20 years he was missing and didn't do shit for them and when he returns he's automatically a messiah
the vorts were probably shilling him for 20 years non stop about how he saved their entire race. so that made him a symbol to the resistance. The Freeman
I picked this game up for the first time and I don't really get it. All the weapons feel weak except the grenades I guess. I'm well into the point where the military shows up, if I don't like the game already will it win me over? Or is it just more of the same
You run,you change your weapon depending on the enemy
Vortigaunt and houndeyes=Shotgun
HECU,headcrabs and zombies=Rifle
use the crowbar when you need to break shit
all other weapons are situational but they're very fun to use,specially the little buggers.
You're not really supposed to fight the military guys right? I shot one of them several times in the face with the shotgun and he didn't even flinch which is why I feel like the gunplay isn't feeling satisfying to me.
Because he single-handedly destroyed Nova Prospekt.
Play Black Mesa.
you can pretty much skip everyone except the final boss and some minibosses,the green worm for example,you have the choice of killing the military dudes,sciencebois or the guards or you can let them live,guardbois help you with their gun but they're pretty much useless,scienceteam heals you if you're under 50% health,militarydudes are a nuisance and you should consider kill them for their guns,
They needed to retcon it so they could have more focus on the story which they ended up retconning again with HL:A.
inferior version desu
The weapons are almost the worst part of HL2. The fucking 6 shooter gives you 18 shots total. The main combine weapon of choice only allows for 2 reloads and empties it's clip in seconds. I'm amazed that no mods I know of ended up fixing this.
Meh, it's a good time for an oldfag that played the original back in the day,
Thanks for the feedback. To me Half Life seems like a very fine game, but when I started playing I was hoping for more of a old school run-and-gun like quake. However HL is much more cinematic than that, and consequently not exactly I was looking for.
I feel like the weapons are fine, but in terms of the vidya feedback the bad guys give, the game is lacking if that makes sense. Without sound cues I wouldn't know if I was hitting anyone.
Attempting shutdown,its- no- it's not shutting down!
He was already being praised prior to Nova Prospekt.
can confirm
>dude has a PhD and an MIT Masters at 27
>single-handedly fights off an alien invasion and US military as well as para-military
>goes to their world
>actually kills the dude they thought behind the invasion
I mean, I do hate the "OMG YOU COMPLETED THAT BASIC PUZZLE YOU'RE SO GOOD FREEMAN" approach to dialogue, but I think the man has a pretty well-earned reputation.
I also forgot to mention
>manages to survive and escape capturing from the US military
I prefer Gordon Freeman... Waiting for the Worms.
Why is Shepard so incompetent?
in the test chamburrrr
the man single handedly fought off the initial xen invasion and freed the entire vortigaunt race, why would he not be deified. And i'm sorry you were so attached to the 5 seconds of story that was changed in alex, bu tit even happened in universe. Its like saying Back to the Future retcon's itself, the time travel is just part of the plot.
Only by Eli Vance and Isaac Kleiner, both of whom were his co-workers at Black Mesa. Kleiner was also Freeman's PhD thesis advisor.
But nobody knew that he was alive in those 20 years.
He's not. He just had different goals from the rest of the military because he and his squad fell out of the chain of command and had to make do with what he could identify and work on.
He was there to survive, not to kill witnesses; and he did what he intended to do.
What does that matter? People spread myths about dead people all the time. I'd say most people who are deified are dead, its the whole concept of martyrs
If some weird alien species kept on saying how the "free man" will come and save us all you'd probably spread some rumors too