Setup the perfect Nemesis/Mr X parallel

>Setup the perfect Nemesis/Mr X parallel
>Remove him after the first area

What the fuck were they thinking?

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RE6 got massive amount of shit for being padded, drawn-out garbage.

Probably didnt want to risk the same critique for RE7 so they never dwell on something for too long.

If they didn't, it would have been annoying and everyone wanted to like daddy Baker.

Attached: RE7 perception check fail.webm (1280x720, 921.29K)

He might have worked better if there had been enemies in the early game mansion because as he was he wasn't a threat at all, I just ran through the halls like normal and all I heard was his redneck voice comfortably far behind me, no chance of touching me.

Constant invincible bad guy is shit. Even Alien Isolation is better with the untethered alien mod. I like to be able to look around the environment.

So was Mr. X, you don't want someone following you the entire game unless it's like SA-X on Metroid Fusion.

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It was a good decision. Fuck first person camera.

I love RE7 but I agree. The game is memorable mainly for the part towards the beginning after waking up and making your way through the house while avoiding Jack. He's just such a great character. It's so brilliant to take the RE formula of cool action hero vs relentless monster and use that with a dorky everyday guy vs a hillbilly with a sense of humor.

They just needed to either make this part longer or have a part two with Jack in this style later on in the game; it is really one of the most memorable parts of the series so far.

He should have been locked to the main house but always there

>Angry man with a shovel
How fucking boring

The entire son area should have been scrapped for a return to the main house and Jack. Shrink the sons roll entirely to a secondary enemy while you are running from Jack

What are you thinking? RE 7 is an absolute masterpiece.

How does Mr. X work in remake 2?
Does he teleport around?

A little bit but not to the point where you notice it

The whole Baker family was good. The main house was great, the old house was pretty good, the testing area was just decent but at least had some novelty to it. The game started going downhill with the bloated boat sequence, and then the mines were just shit. I have to wonder how much of Not A Hero was cut content, I would have much preferred if its mines section and Lucas fight were part of the base game.

The Jack fight with the chainsaw might be the best boss fight in all of Resident Evil.

No, he actually walks around the police station unless you trigger a special event, saw a YT vid showing how he works by manipulating the camera.

He only teleports at scripted parts. Otherwise he searches using sight and sound, but the longer he goes without finding you, the stronger his senses get. So basically if you evade him for a few minutes, he just gets to hear you from across the map.

He does walk around but he does get aggro'd by certain things.
Picking up the jack is the most obvious one.

If they made Jack following you the entire game it would be very annoying and boring too fast.

RE2 remake played it correct by making him stopping following you halfway the game

>Picking up the jack is the most obvious one.
That fucked me hard.

I think I'd be okay with that. I know the son was tied into some overall world building stuff but that honestly took a back burner to everything else except the very end anyways so it wouldn't have made too much difference. The DLC with Chris might have to be changed around a bit but meh.

Speaking of world building, I wonder what Tensu was up to and where they tie into everything.

Attached: tentsu.jpg (1280x720, 136.3K)

This honestly. I always hated the son. He never seemed so unhinged like the other two. Too smart almost

Because he was only pretending to be controlled by Eveline, he was actually cured by "The Connections" before the game started.


Mr X was the worst part of RE2.

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Read the files in game. He was spying on his own family.

Fuck off

Get better taste please

s-she's fast!


Mr. X was the only thing that made RE2 exciting. Just hearing those footsteps was super intimidating. Also how he cant enter save rooms and beat your shit in.


Nothing implies anything like that