This doodoo butt series is fucking horseshit. My friend told me to play 1&2 as part of an agreement and this is the worst shit in the world. The first game had an okay premise at best and the only good thing about it is the punishments but then I went on to the second game and it's fucking so bad. Why would you introduce mechanics each time part way through? Fucking stupid. You hand me 5 truth bullets and they don't work? Fucking stupid. Just to get through it to get it over with I'm looking all this bullshit up. How do people play boring ass shit like this and like it? Fuck Danganronpa.
Why does anybody like Danganronpa?
i like the music
Post Kyoko please
DR1 has a really good aesthetic
shit taste.
here you go fag
So who is the official Ultimate Waifu?
someone post THAT image
as you can see op, falseflag or not;
danganautists cant really argue despite that every one of its fans think that they are smarter than everyone else because of how this series handle its plot twists and story pro tip: its fucking terrible
so they just resort to waifu posting, which is at its worst when the series is plagued with same-face and slack jawwed expressions, or rpfaggotry which is usually detained in but they keep sneaking out to make their daily, sometimes more, threads but its ok, that one user said that dangan only gets 2-3 threds a week
who cares about danganronpa threads, worry about the hourly cunny/twitter screenshot threads instead
Saved, thanks.
Why does this series trigger Yas Forums so much?
>Good music
>Fun character designs
>Creative and tricky murder mysteries (Some are retarted though)
>Crazy and outlandish plot twists
>Cool visuals in the debate game
I mean it's not perfect but there's a lot to like.
Because the series has women with big tits in it and Yas Forumstrannies hate games with feminine women in them.
>i like the music
based now post good music
Look at that sexy bear ass
good fucking taste user
back the heck off of my wife
>Why does anybody like Danganronpa?
>Why would you introduce mechanics each time part way through? Fucking stupid. You hand me 5 truth bullets and they don't work? Fucking stupid. Just to get through it to get it over with I'm looking all this bullshit up.
Never mind you're just retarded.
good shit user
It's fun.
Which one, Junko or Ikoroshia?
both user
I want to cuddle with my wife.
>Just to get through it to get it over with I'm looking all this bullshit up.
Sounds like you just actively do not want to engage with the game to me desu
This is now a Danganronpa music thread
Post those tracks
I like her face in this pic
Really love the eyes