oh GOD

Attached: trials of my dick.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Designed by Ovopack

Really fucking based if you ask me

Furgins deserve to be executed.

Back to plebbit you go nigger take your wojack faggot friends with you

This is how furries are made. What other anthro females did this to you?

Attached: 1583950504492.png (1920x1080, 3.59M)


She has paws.....that's how you know it's furry. Its not the muzzle, it's the paws.

Also shame that this is for the weak puny outdated console known as the Switch. Her model would look better if it was a PS4 exclusive. Or hell what if this remake was for the PS5? The model would of course look superior. Don't get why so many remakes are coming out now when the gen is over basically.

>some Yas Forumsirgin parent in their thirties gets this game for their kid because they loved mana
>the cycle of furrination begins once again

Attached: witchhunting.gif (168x225, 13.96K)

Wait, Ovopack worked on Trials?


Who the fuck is ovopack


Attached: 1381692174810.png (300x300, 8.23K)

>boobs don't jiggle

Doesn't count, it's a remake. The true test is making NEW media that happens to have anthro females and they need to be attractive too. Anyone who tells me that Toriel from Undertale is attractive needs eye surgery.

professional furry artist
he's worked on many games

Attached: fbaff973d4e0b64f9d8ee021ff278ad9.jpg (1920x640, 585.08K)

>Activate windows
Are you really this technologically retarded?

Let's just get the most obvious one over and done with. Though Nintendo got rid of her.

Attached: useless.jpg (800x565, 117.62K)

That logic is inherently flawed. Porn has been made of 8-bit sprites, simple shapes. And done successfully.

Attached: ha.gif (256x234, 2.67M)

Well nin10duh did it for me

And what's with that?
For the reaction I thought it was a porn artist

I blame pokemon but truth be told I have no idea

I like how because she's furry she's allowed to be butt naked

Attached: BCF37941-B5FA-4A6F-9D26-10E52EBDDA67.jpg (1024x784, 84.93K)

Okey fuck nevermind, it was more likely this

here ya go

Attached: Queen of Fat Cat TATS.webm (1280x532, 2.93M)

That's a Japanese thing. Pussy American Losers on the other hand never allowed females to get naked. In fact Zootopia had a nudity club and did you see any actual naked females? The only one who was a female had the body of a male. Fuck America. Also to hell with this No Femininity Agenda that they got going on.

Feel sorry for the boys growing up on SHIT like Steven Tranny Dyke Universe or Adventure Time.

>Porn has been made of 8-bit sprites

Why whatever do you mean?

Attached: D0Q9HNuWsAMM9nA.png (800x449, 36.71K)

The werewolves from Van Helsing 2002 damned me to this life.

Why is Yas Forums so gay now? Years ago you fags would have loved this shit. I think maybe I'm just getting too old for this place.

Attached: 1587747273386.jpg (720x405, 90.48K)



That is Trials of Mana's remake.

He also made the designs of the LoM characters for that one mobile game.

It's kemono so it's not furry

thank you user

Man id pay actual money for a game entirely designed by him.
Like some RPG or something.
Its like if you filtered out all the cringe out of furry.
And this is whats left.

>t. Popped a boner over Changed and is in denial

All anthro women desire human cock.

Look dude, don't care about that, what matters is that the anthro lady in question is attractive. You'd be surprised how many unattractive females get propped up like Sonic Females.

Have sex.

Attached: 1585502404272.jpg (365x334, 24.89K)

>Or hell what if this remake was for the PS5? The model would of course look superior

Don't count on next-gen giving you anthro females worth a damn. We'll just get more uncanny valley realism trash like the new God of War or Naughty Dog's trash.