What are you playing during quarantine?
What are you playing during quarantine?
Sadness and insanity
I took vacations and spent more than a week playing persona 5 all night every night. I haven't felt like this about a game in a long time
I dont want to go back to real life
I miss my virtual friends
Tired gamer general?
Trying to get myself to start New Vegas.
All my friends want to socialize all the time over voice now and it's exhausting, so I'm not playing many games.
I've been playing a ton of fantasy RPGs, and I'm starting to think the reason Witcher 3 is head and shoulders above Skyrim/Inquisition/Greedfall is that Geralt is an established character. There is a clear "canon way" to play him if you want to do things that way. With the other games it's such a a blank slate that no matter what you do with your character it just feels boring.
ARK and animal crossing
I'm really good with this quarantine
I lost my job just before quarantine (that sucks) and I didn't go out a lot since all my friends moved to other cities/countries and also I feel terribly tired everytime due to a head injury I'm still waiting to get checked
Punch out.
Fuck Honda(Hondo), fuck the Russian guy, fuck bald bull and most importantly fuck doc for giving shit advice. "Just try harder, mac! Don't give up" fuck you man fuck you
Bfv, Battlefront 2 and War Thunder
Yes i hate my life
>I don't want to go back
I know the feeling, my job is going to reopen next week and I'd rather just stay home and slowly die.
nothing. i burned out on animal crossing new horizons so i switched to bloodborne. got burned out on that. now i don't know what to do. i ffeel like shit too.
And you completely missed the point of RPG. The point of ROLE-PLAYING is to roleplay as your own established character, not to watch a movie.
Are you losers still quarantined? I can still go wherever I want as long as a place is open.
Trying to 100% Postal Redux, renewplaying Mankind Divided and a bit of TF2 and New Horizons.
Enjoy your 2nd incoming wave of rona infections
I can go wherever I want, it's just that places are either closed or there's still concerns of infection.
I am burned out, so I’m just listening to music in the dark here. feelsgoodman
i hate being ugly, bros. i was just thinking about all the experiences with girls other people have just for being normal/attractive and how i'll never have that with a hot girl unless i pay for it.
Most people don't get "hot girls." Lower your standards and you'll probably get someone cute.
just b urself
actually it's not a meme
also get out of retarded social circles
america is full of it
Just beat Doom Eternal so the only real thing I'm playing at the moment is Animal Crossing. I had started replaying MGS2 but I just kinda fell off playing it after beating Fatman for whatever reason.
And that's the reason I don't like The Witcher series, I don't actually like the guy or the established character so I can't get into it. Geralt is boring to me. So for me, if the games had been blank-slate, I would have liked them.
NG+ on Persona 5 Royal
FF7R, haven't played the original but Tifa is cute.
I wanted to get Command and Conquer Generals Zero Hour but EA are megajews
Luckily, got a controller on amazon before shipping took til may. Finally trying Cuphead and taking my stress out on Saints Row 3.
Been rotating,
>Dragon Quest XI
>Call of Duty 4 Remaster
>FEAR + its expansions
Surprisingly, I DO want to go back. I'm sick of sitting in front of my computer all day doing fuckall.
Same user. Im a cook and I went from working 65+ hours a week to just under 6-10 a week. Losin my mind and vidya isnt as fulfilling when you can waste your whole day on it
I played Final Fantasy 8 remastered, moved onto FF7R. Animal Crossing New Horizons, Super Mario World and Popn Twinbee
I haven't played anything but a few hours of Hades and Cities Skylines. I've been too busy trying to get Yas Forums and practice the piano
OSU! and LoL
Actually the same two games I play all year long really
Horizon zero dawn at the moment. It’s ok but it seems too similar to an Ubisoft game, and while I enjoy farcry and ac:odyssey I am not in the mood for that type of game at the moment. I am just going to rush to finish it so I can replay DS 3 and go through the DLC this time.