What a fucking travesty

what a fucking travesty
defend this snoys

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Oy vey


they even made her boobs smaller lmao they wanted her to look as ugly as possible


I found her brother

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Removing Khazar milkers is antisemitic

100% shit 100% of the time

big tits are not realistic


Change Y for I and you have "tranny" in portuguese.



fucking kek

Why do so many games have lesbians characters now? Is this some kind of fetish?

The game is literally made by a fucking jew.

It's only a fetish when they are attractive

unironically because they want to include gay couples, and lesbians are more acceptable to general audiences than gay men

Is this actually who she’s based off? Going to need a name for research

Ellie is kind of attractive though. And so was clem. What is it with post apocalypse games and the developers think the main chick will want to go down on some musty survivalist muff?
Well yeah that was a given
Yeah but why? What's so appealing with the gays?

>make her boobs smaller
Lmao i dont get it, western devs brag about making "realistic females" then go and change the body of a character who was literally based from a real girl
Its like they think "a realistic female" are just ugly as fuck womans lmao

he he

hnnnng damn she is fine. You just want to grab the back of that pony tail and wash your nuts with her tonsils.

Her nose is actually bigger irl kek

two conventionally attractive lesbians allow for easy progressive points without actually being that daring
>but the Jew isn't attractive
she's more attractive than the average lesbian

the new lead of TLOU is actually a gay jew

>makes her nose 50 times larger
>makes her breasts 50 times smaller
>im not gay btw

Twitter @Naughty_Dog with that picture that they're being extremely sexist and that there's nothing with female boobs and femininity.
Tag other feminist groups in your tweet to lure them in

gotta shove your death cult propaganda anywhere you can

so are her milkers

I'll dust y old Twatter for this. Fuck Drunkmann. He will pay for what he's done to ND

>Why do so many games have lesbians characters now?

Right!? what is this now the 4th game with a lesbian? Fucking straight genocide I tell you.

Druckmann directed the first game too, though

Women, specially cute Jewish ones, are simply not allowed to have breast in today's environment.
Sad but true, I wouldn't be surprise if there is a push in real life to have women operated to cut them off.

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he was supervised by a normal human being

>pointy AND fat
What an awful nose.
Ash does it right.

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Gay male characters is still poison in terms of marketing that companies aren't gonna admit

White people hate big tits I guess.

She looks better in person than her 3-d rendition. How is that possible?

why not shrink the nose too?

Damn she looks almost like a classic victorian girl. Nose is a tiny bit bit but overall fairly cute.

Lesbians are more palatable. Most dudes who hate the gays enjoy watching women make out in secret but you still get brownie points for having the gays.

heh fuck twatter too

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most mocap actors look better in real life than their model

fuck off, we can enjoy laughing at ND without your le ebin raid

i wanna beat that fucking big nosed bitch

white people



Forget white women, they are too busy fucking dogs and niggers anyway, white men need to start a second holocaust by impregnating jewish women.

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The point of western games is to be as pretentious and ugly as possible, to show that you are "artistic and deep."


He's not just talking about this game, he's talking about the industry as a whole.
Hell, just look at this board, look at how much white guys bitch about people posting cute/sexy women.

I can't.

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He's Israeli.

BTW Israelis in Israel literally wrote the bible that you use as an excuse to hate gay people.
>b-but I don't believe in the Bible!
Yeah, but you inherited your anti-gay stance from your parents who were told to feel that way by their church. Stop pretending you're being edgy by being conservative

Jewish women is the worst fetish to have. They're incentivized from every angle to only date other Jewish boys.

jewish hands wrote this post

White hands, etc. etc.

How do you think jews got white skin? also the high IQ comes from not inbreeding. Stop impregnating your own ethnicity

>even her boobs are smaller in-game

They sure did. You scared, nazi?

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Or you could just be black. Jewish girls love BBC.

>only christians are disgusted by faggots

Vdd mano

Plus your kid will probably win a few grammies.

Judeans wrote the bible rat boy. Your tribe aren't the people of Judea and Jesus explicitly warned agains those who say they are Jews (Judeans) but are not, they are the synagogue of satan.

Juda den Tod

Oh right, I shouldn't have forgotten muslims.

Sorry jihad-kun

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Why is her nose so big?

When you want the diversity marketing but don’t have the artistic integrity of making it homosexual men because it sells less

I am surprised hearing that because I felt Quiet was better than her mocap actor but this one the actor is far better looking than the actual model. Plus I'd expect they could edit the model easily, which is why I am so surprised.

Oy vey how dare you insult that jewish girl ill have you know she's a 4rd generation holocaust survivor you antisemitic goy

I'm just reveling in the fact I'm somehow less inbred than you :^)