Have the French made any worthwhile vidya?

Have the French made any worthwhile vidya?

Attached: maxine.jpg (1200x675, 92.16K)

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The most prominent French game dev is David Cage/Quantic Dream... So no.

rayman legends

why do you keep making this thread.

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 47.87K)

Stop making the same thread, OP.

Attached: 1566082310590.webm (1920x1080, 242.84K)

This game is excellent.

it's about extremely lonely and sad men with a fetish for sharing their porn anonymously and getting other men horny with it
it's really fucking weird but this is what it's about
that's why they spam porn all day in the boards that are not about porn
it gets them off in a gay way to arouse other men by posting porn..

Also there are on-going english fan translations of Tome 10 on reddit which is cool

Attached: lastfight-switch-hero.jpg (1920x1080, 609.16K)



what's this from

Remember Me was pretty cool and had a decent combat system and gorgeous visuals. I know life is strange isnt well recieved around these parts but I really liked it idk dude

what is this from i want the big booby


For Honor is by French Canadians. Its a fun game with a cool concept, but even after about 1000(?) Hours I'm not sure if I'd call it worthwhile

Did you remove the pit hair or is this the original?


arguable but the soundtrack is GOAT

I came here to say that I made that my background for like 3 months after shopping out the armpit hair.

this dude always draws pubes and armpit hair and some user on Yas Forums kept editing them off and sending the pics to him with "i fixed it :)" he went nuclear radioactive with rage, it was quite amusing

What is his obsession with Pit-hair?

>Go to dudes page, its fat ladies with bush and screen Shots from the Dolp Lungrand film Dark Angel
Im thinking hes based.

post examples, that sounds hilarious

......... Hes French? Hes the artist of Last Man

>Last fight
Good show, good comic. Pretty great Power stone game

>Dragonar OP
Mans based

Why are the French so horny?

Because they've been fucked their whole lives.

the thumbnail looks like nigel thornberry kind of

Battlefleet Gothic 1 and 2

Motherfuckin Rayman and Wakfu

French are based in my book

the endless games I think

>The most prominent French game dev is David Cage/Quantic Dream
he's british, dumbass

>Last Man
A friend got me to watch that series and it was actually good despite the obvious shoe-string budget at times.