I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
I miss this little nigga like you wouldn't believe
I’m not a zoomer so I don’t care about Ruby and Sapphire
only played gen 1-4
but gen 3 is the worst
>dungeons/caves are incredibly easy/simple
>wasted space everywhere
>forgettable gym leaders
>the beginning of "friendly" rivals
>no day/night cycle
>only 3 places u can "dive"
>the pointless ocean routes after the 8th gym badge
>story so half-assed no one remembers it
Emerald just adds a metric fuckton of endgame content, but the game itself is shallow and unfinished.
Gen 4 fixed everything.
It really does have too much water. But what about pokemon variety? How does it hold up to other gens and games?
I don’t give a fuck about competitive value or that shit, this little motherfucker still is one of the coolest
>gen 3 out of 8
Too much water, takes the classic pokemon problem of having too many water types and not enough of everything else and multiplies it by 10
forgettable gym leaders? how could you forget your dad?
The lack of big caves is because there's a lot of water. And I agree that there's way too much water, but since they're already there, adding huge caves would just make the game tedious with all the random encounters. The huge caves in gen 1/2/4 are acceptable because there's way less water. A good part of Pokémon is that you usually only get random encounters when you walk on grass patches, but caves and water are like other JRPGs where you constantly get random encounters. I wouldn't want to go through Mt Mortar when I already have to go through the sea.
he's an underage faggot trying to larp as a millenial, do you expect mental ability from that?
It doesn’t even matter if it’s gen 3 out of 100 it’s still zoomer shit because it was on the GBA the original zoomer handheld
half the zoomers were still in the womb or non existent when the gba came out
I was born in 93
No, the zoomer generation usually got a GameCube or GBA as their first system because their parents didn’t want to get them a PS2 or Xbox but those are also zoomer consoles
comign out of gen 2 i bought this game and loved it to death but i have to admit they really dropped the ball after the weather institute area. Plus with all the water areas you would have expected there to be all the ocean pokemon but that wasnt the case just run into the same 2 pokemon the whole time
This doesn’t make any sense. Stop trying to self-confirm your beliefs. If you think gen 3 is bad then prove your points, but it has nothing to do with being a zoomer game. Gen 6-8 is zoomer shit because they’re actually shit and that’s what zoomers are actually growing up with, not gen 3 fucking loser
Oh my god you’re 27 years old can I please suck your dick because you’re clearly mature and intelligent and have superior taste in children’s video games which i find extremely hot
>Gen 4 fixed everything.
Except having good pokemon designs
You are fucking retarded. GameCube, PS2, and GBA are all millennial. Zoomer starts with the Wii, PS3, and DS.
Okay kiddo
Nah, I’m a zoomer too because I didn’t get to truly experience the 90’s and only got my N64 in 1999
Normal people:
>Man I like Pokemon. Gen* is my favorite. I think gen* was kinda weak though.
Yas Forums:
this, and it was DSLite only the real og's had the DS
Emerald gen was the best pokemon era of all time, I dont give a fuck what these hardcore pokemon simps have to say
>the first half of the region connects to the second half only by water
Fuck living in Hoenn.
What is your definition of zoomer?
damn it's almost like the gen with Earth and Water legendaries is themed around Earth and water...
I define zoomer as 2000-present, but even if you start zoomer at the late 90s sixth gen was before their time. Sixth gen consoles were for people born in the early 90s. Using Pew's retarded range, the first "zoomer" would be THREE when the PS2 came out. But I don't even use those dates, I use 2000 as the start.
Why wasn’t part of the map in the sky then?
>It's thematic so it's good
Fuck off retard
> tfw we'll never have a Pokemon game that does true justice to its own stakes and scale
> we'll get a few ruins that pay lipservice to the ideas the legendaries represent, at best
Please don't remind me
Partly. Most of the new evos for old pokemon like Magmortar looked like shit, but a lot of based pokemon like Torterra were added too.
Yeah. Mostly the old pokemon evos and the legendaries. Empoleon and Drifblim are still my favorites.
he's black so he can't even remember his dad