F to my nigga, Joel
You deserved better than this
Rest in peace with your waifu-daughter in heaven
F to my nigga, Joel
Other urls found in this thread:
>begged for his life to a fucking tranny
Rest in piss
I can’t even begin to imagine the shitstorm that’s coming with this game.
He's in a better place now
White male must diiiieeeee!!!
Haha what do you think him and Sarah are doing right now?
This is why sequel baits are so fucking bad
killed by a tranny and his asian incels what a awfull way to die
>couldn’t even put up a fight against a tranny
>no backwards compatibility
>weak hardware
>terrible controller design with useless LEDs and touchpads to appeal to 10 year olds
>playstation drones only use their consoles to play Fortnite, NBA 2k and call of duty
>weaker hardware than the xbox two gens in a row
>exclusives this gen are going to be the same as last gen, cinematic tech demos with no gameplay
>xbox series x is able to run gears 5 in 4k 60fps with every setting set to ultra (I should specify that it runs in REAL 4k, I know you PlayStation tards are used to getting fake checkerboarding)
>not able to raytrace in realtime unlike the xbox series x which can run Minecraft raytracing in 4k 30fps
>no upgradeable storage
>censorship, something even a childrens game console like Nintendo Switch doesnt do
>Last of Us leaks show Sony doesnt give a shit about quality control
sonybros I dont feel so good.....
Holding hands and feeling happy.
havent normies found out about this yet? I was expecting a raid on cuckmann's twitter
>F to my nigga, Joel
They killed my Joelerino. Fuck guys I'm actually kinda sad. He deserved better indeed.
Why is Yas Forums pretending he dies in the leak? Hes just squirming around
Because "the leaks" havent confirmed anything it's just people spouting bullshit
you play as a tranny for the second half of the game, cope snoy
Hey Xbro what games are you playing?
Oh, we dont have anything. Wanna fuck each other?
>Less than 3 weeks for western cucks to shell out a story that will finally end shitters shitting on FF7R
Westernbros do it again!
His skull got caved in by a golf club, you think you can sleep that off?
Oh you mean the semon demon?
>Because "the leaks" havent confirmed anything it's just people spouting bullshit
yes they confirmed the roided chick kills Joel and then you play as her for the second half of the game.
How did this shit even leak? I checked twitter but no ones talking about it.
multiplats play best on xbox one
BR translators getting pissed at the story
Based huemonkeys that worked on the game leaked it apparently because they were pissed off at ND
What did Druckmann do to piss off the Hues?
Gonna take a wild guess and say Druckmann is a pretentious shithead who is awful to work for
I don't speak rapist.
> he doesn't know