Why has Kpop becoming more popular in vidya?
Why has Kpop becoming more popular in vidya?
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More like kpoop lol.
Get it? As in feces. Because it doesn't appeal to my personal preference.
because more and more game studios are owned by chinese corporations. League has been absolutely assfucked by the amount of down-syndrome kpop shit forced down it's throats, all thanks to Tencent owning the whole company.
Why are kpop fans the worst thing to happen to the internet
dumb gooks
I dare you to go to the kpop general on Yas Forums
yeah they have a general there its basically a celeb watch shit and no music discussion. I sincerely hope kpop goes extinct in the next 2 years
>chips and curry
A man of taste i see
Because they unironically refer to themselves as "stans".
Where are you seeing Kpop in vidya?
Who cares if it is? I don't know a single Korean artist, but music is merit-based. If it's good who gives a shit
Chicken curry and chips lads with s fuck ton of salt and vinegar. Oh yes lads
It's not. The more pertinent question is why OP continues to be a cock guzzling faggot.
J-pop is superior. Fuck Koreans.
>pop music
>general there its basically a celeb watch
Because thats all k-pop is. There is no substance to its """"""""music""""""""". It's churned out by-the-numbers garbage, just like the singers are.
Anyone else think Korean girls > Japanese girls?
It’s too bad there’s zero Korean porn since it’s illegal
Fortnite, League, Overwatch.
>if it's popular, it's bad
the kpop thread on /trash/ is funnier
kpop is basically a cult, all the girls do is watch the videos so their favorite boyband can get more views than the opposing boyband. if you see the cult type shit they get into, you will be amazed. they've made wives leave their husbands.
Same reason rgb is popular, I imagine. There's no accounting for taste.
Good talk.
Same reason anime games incorporate more and more idolshit over time, they're both scientifically designed to appeal to the coomer audience of incel weirdos who are poised to spend their time (and money) slavering over their would-be perfect gf
Weird enough to cater to gamers, normie enough to cater to Reddit and women.
>Real Koreans
>Plastic Koreans
Asuka is perfect you cunt, I’ll kick your ass
horny girls
Long ago I came across that vid for some reason. Maybe I was looking at the Gangnam Style, and SISTAR was in the recommended. Anyways, I didnt know what kpop was, but that vid is what truly kicked off my yellow fever. Now ever since I've been seeking out asian women almost exclusively. Dont care if it s 5 jungle asian, I just hit the target anyways. My next goal was to visit Japan and go to the brothels for authentic Japanese women, but the corona shit is really pissing me off.
Thanks for reading, user.
Better question why koreans?
it's not
average IQ is declining, in 10 years, we will have african drumming in vidya, and games will play themselves
>kpop goes extinct in the next 2 years
Kim Jung Un's death wish is to bomb South Korea
Bitches love Kpop
You won't get honest anwers here because Yas Forums is a weeb board, but Korean culture is vastly more prevalent than Japanese culture these days.
Why are kpop fans a cult?
It's really fucking creepy how obsessed and indoctrinated they are.
fuck off eurobong
its just boy band shit dude
sorry white countries decided to push niggers instead of pretty boys
It hasn't.
All of music isn't more popular than vidya.
I think you need to
>yeah they have a general there its basically a celeb watch shit and no music discussion
Yeah it's insane.
I tried to go troll it once, but it didn't work out. It's lightning fast that general and there's no thought in it.
It's just a blitz of posting pics of their waifus.
Because teenage girls just discovered the internet
>Korean culture is vastly more prevalent than Japanese culture these days
Imagine actually believing this
Stream culture. If they aren't streaming their group's music enough they're seen as failures.
>TFW male
>Like K-Pop
There aren't many of us. Also BTS popularized k-pop in the west, so now we have 10-12 year olds listening to k-pop now. But all they know about is BTS and that's it. I love k-pop though, don't even care if that makes me a faggot or loser. A girl I liked in high school got me hooked on it about 10 years ago and I've been listening to it ever since.
Had quite a few friends in college that listened to it as well. My roommate was a big k-pop addicted. He had a lot of female friends that were into it.
Because your a normie and haven't hit the surface level of "worst thing"
It's the new wave of insurgency at the teenage level. Even broadcasters have bended the knee to Korean television, giving them their own (((genre))) to shill Korean trash that only indoctrinates more kids.
See what I mean?
>Mobile filename
Do Americans?
About as indoctrinated and obsessed as weebs coming here and spewing Japanese anti gook talking points (really anti every asian except japanese) even though they're not Japanese themselves and Abe and actual nips hate them.
because you said nigger
The difference is cultural.
Koreans/Chinese = uncivilized bugmen
Japanese = civilized bugmen
As long as youre a chad its fine.
Do Americans really eat this?
I like male group dance choreography and watching the weekly idol randomplay or 2xspeed dance stuff.
As for it appearing in vidya more..I don't know, since gangam style and bubble pop was a thing?
Its normalfag you cunt
Why do Whites like to call other races bugmen when they act more like bugmen? Is it projection?
Are you forgetting about weebs?
because it became popular amongst young people, the main vidya demographic