Let's discuss who is best girl and why is it Seraphina.
Disgaea thread
Priere is best woman.
Seraphina is best girl.
Angel is best generic.
Men love Seraphina, while children like Usalia.
Seraphina is best D5 and the only main character who actually acts like a Disgaea character.
Fuck Killia and fuck Liezerota.
>No harem ending with both Liez and Sera
Killia was a terrible demon.
Magic Knight is the best to me.
Disgaea 6 when?
Lord only knows. Maybe sometime next year.
It's being worked on, and we all know NIS wishes to get a Disgaea game out when a new console generation arrives.
Like Paula Abdul, Empusa is forever my girl.
alouette is better as a woman and eclair is cuter, why would anyone pick priere over one of them?
Why? It's not like the Disgaea series requires that much processing. Are we going to see some meme shit where it's ONE THOUSAND UNITS ON MAP WITH SUPER ULTIMATE ATTACKS THAT CAN HIT MULTIPLE MAPS or something?
a thousand units on a map sounds interesting, at the very least they should find a way to semi-remove the deploy limit as well, surely the weak graphics aren't too hard on current gen shit to do these things.
The current sprite sizes are just fine fine me. But they could bother to add more fluid sprite animations maybe.
I am still seething over that ending bros, what shitshow
That sounds cool actually. Imagine map busting attacks that drop everyone onto another planet/map
what's the best game to start with?
>Angel is best generic.
Close, kitsune takes the cake.
>Me when I'm not the only Seraphina fan
THANK YOU, O have enough of the tsundere flat-chested imp who only wins out because nostalgia
Could someone who's never played Disgaea start with 5?
also tile destruction, eventually if you let a boss battle go on too long you just have to stand there trapped and get nuked off the map unless you are a flying unit.
Kitsune is awesome, She better be back for D6.
also Goldeon as post game recruit.
Its best to start with 1 and work your way up from there.
yeah, the cast and story aren't really continuous outside of references, so you're not going to feel lost or anything
keep in mind though that QoL improved vastly from game to game and it's gonna be a bitch for you to go back to earlier ones after finishing 5 unless you really fall in love with the characters
You could but you may find going back to previous titles difficult to do all the QoL improvements 5 has.
Start with 2 or 5. I still go back to Disgaea 2, but 5 is just the much better game. Disgaea 5 ruins it's own story in the end game though. I would have rather had no story for the end game.
I want a kitsune wife so bad bros
How? Spoil me, I only got to early endgame and dropped it.
They bring back literally everyone who died and try to morally redeem the evil characters so that they can explain why they're in your party. I wouldn't have minded if they just gave me the characters in post game and gave no explanation at all. To me it was them spitting in my face for getting invested.
>It's being worked on
They forgive the guy who literally committed genocide 10,000 times over (at the very least) and there's no actual conclusion. The bad guy actually succeeds in his plan and suffers no consequences for his actions beyond a stern talking to by his sister (which is actually a reward considering he wanted to see her again), while his main subordinate is subjected to a life of either complete submission to someone they hate (and is disliked in return) or death.
Also, no playable Liezerota or Liezerota: Dark.
>the woman who was cucked to death
Interviews. I can't bother to trace it back though.
You have to at least have a chance for a relationship in the first place to be cucked though, Seraphina was never even in the race to begin with. If anything she's just the streaker running across the field.
Imagine being one of two characters in your entire game that didn't get what they wanted when even the bad guys won in it.