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Subverting and killing beloved characters is giga chad move. Thanks naughty dog for makin 1 game irrelevant and fuck in the anus every fan.

Video leak posting
Joel, Ellie and Jesse
8kun dot top
Yas Forumsres/16929774.html#q16929832
Spread the good news

>killed by a MtF tranny
Oh no no no

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Why do all Sony exclusives look like miserable experiences? Are any of them just fun video games or is it all torture porn?

>8kun dot top
>Yas Forumsres/16929774.html#q16929832
>just 2 webms
shill your thread once you drop the whole thing

>beloved characters

Everyone in TLoU is a cunt

8kun is too right-wing

You know what I don't get?
Ok, so like, Naughty Dog is SJW as shit, and they made the game sjw as fuck blah blah we know that.
Didn't they have to send this to sony?
Like, surely the gook CEOs at sony don't have the western blindness and have seen that this heavy handed liberal politics injection always backfires. Why'd they ok it?

Holy shit I can't wait to see how they react. Even with Avengers at least they only leaked it a bit in advance, it's going to be minimum several months before TLoU2 comes out. Fuck them for losing their sense of fun and chasing the virtue signalling crowd. Fuck you Neil Druckmann

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Where's the whole plot leak instead of bits and pieces?

Days Gone

Inject some UV and bleach White boy.

This level of spoiling on a game that depends so hard on its story is unprecedented. This'll spread like wildfire over the next 24hrs. Its going to be fascinating watching the response and actions of Sony and Naughty dog and the impact this will have on the game.

>nooooooooooo my kino movie xd
hope no one really cares about it

Maybe thats why it got indefinitely delayed

Will it be enough for it to flop or with the ignorant masses consume and get excited for the next product/

It's not so much naughty dog as it is Neil cuckmann and his obsessive pandering to every degenerate and hatred for normality

I miss Jak and Daxter
Wipeout and Spider-Man are fun

>Like, surely the gook CEOs at sony don't have the western blindness and have seen that this heavy handed liberal politics injection always backfires. Why'd they ok it?
SIE has not been a japanese company for a while user

why do they hate boobs?

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I mean you can't have spoilers being gameplay when there is none

> you play half the game as a tranny, ,the daughter of the doc in the first game, a literal who

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Your mother is a cunt

does the game have trannies then? more than one?

is there a literal tranny or are you fags exagerrating?

Reminder they were good once. Before a certain someone took over.

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You God damn well know it'll still sell millions on day 1.

>> you play half the game as a tranny, ,the daughter of the doc in the first game, a literal who
you mean the son who became a daughter or the daughter who became a son? these things are so confusing

My tweet got a copyright take down when it was just words, how is that legal when i didn't sign anything.

Since this movie will only require you to press one button to start the experience they knew it would sell well enough for the PS4.

To make the tranny feel better I guess?

Because real women don't have boobs. Everyone knows this user

It’s been posted
>Joel gets killed by the son of the doctor he killed at the end of the first game
>Ellie goes on revenge mission
>switches to said son and little child they are taking care of as they try to stop Ellie on her revenge spree
>they kill Ellie and then the second player character mills himself leaving the lil chilling as the last of us. 2 (two)

How has shit leaked already? I guess the game is actually done now? Still, it's pretty wild that this stuff is already leaking when it probably won't be out for another 4 months

the game lead to the devs;
I want...
1. big jew noses. i mean gigantic. i want to fit my dick in the nostril type of big
2. small breasts. the smallest.
3. i want roided up dudes in ponytails pretending to be girls
4. the faces to be as baby like as possible
5. i got hard when the tranny over powered nathan drake, can we actually make the tranny kill someone? maybe multiple times?
6. i want to play as this tranny
7. the next game is about this tranny
8. im not gay by the way

Off the top of my head — Bloodborne, God of War and FFVIIR are great.

why isnt nobody spaming the leak in twitchs chat

Based hue translator leaked it because the story was just so shitty.

it's gonna be called a daughter in the game, i guess it was a son, i don't know i don't give a fuck anymore

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Post ellie death scene

>didn't sign anything

I wish LittleBigPlanet wasn't dead so I could prove you wrong. That was their last original good IP.

I'll never forget the first time I played Jak and Daxter when my friend brought it over. Ended up getting my own copy and beating it before him and staying up all night thinking about the implications of light Jak in my 7yo brain

I bet he thought he was such s genius when he came up with that
>what if this random npc you kill leads to your own death?
All we need now is an ominous voice talking about the butterfly effect during the opening

I know fuckmann probably wanted to make it emotional. But it will be a hundred times more funny if she’s just killed off unceremoniously.

>>switches to said son
has anyone seen it or is this just pasta?
>Post ellie death scene
holy shit, does this means the tranny wins at the end?
>Based hue translator leaked it because the story was just so shitty.
based indeed if all these are true.

That's going to be a multiplat within a year and a half.

Sony has no idea how to appeal to the western movie game demographics so they trust naughty to do it


Subverting what exactly? Was there any doubt the writingwas gonna be Netflix original tier?

The American branch of SIE (located in commiefornia) has pretty much been calling the shots for a while now.

he warned us

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>shit normalfag meme
you have to be 18 or older to post here

Do your own due diligence and check the fucking catalogue, anons have been spamming this shit for the last 2 hours.

based white man

What did he say?

So the old Yas Forums "leak" was mostly true then. Just no Christian Death cult.

cant wait to see Kikerman crying on twitter

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what did I miss?

Hes a grade A cunt as well

But you could feel for them. Even if they were doing bad things, you understood their motivation and like them. Then some trannie kills them both and now it's your new MC? Everything they done in 1 is now for nothing. Only to be killed for the sake of subverting. People wanted to see again Ellie/Joel duo or atleast Ellie avenging his death. Now players must play bitch who killed your previous mc and making Ellie a fucking villain?


Christian death cult is true

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Sadly all of this is true from what I have seen. The whole thing is just heavy handed on how bad revenge is. I'm genuinely upset about all this I could have seen Joel dying but they do him so fucking dirty. Do not know how I can ever relate to Abby (trans protag). Her father was ready to slice up a child to "cure" a disease that has already destroyed the world. Jesus this game is retarded.

Have you been living under a rock? Sony has been aggressively marketing America as of late to the point that its western decision has become the main branch.

reminder that the bottom left is unironically voiced by a FtM tranny IRL, so that character might also be transgendered.

Its a MtF and a FtM on a killing spree

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So is Neil drunkman trying to say trannies have a mental problem brought on by child hood trauma

Wait, what doc? You mean the Steve Blum guy?

Hasnt pretty much every story to come out about Troy is that hes really chill and fun to work with, i recall a bunch of people tried to make him out to be this eletist asshole that looked down on the roles that made him but then it was revealed that he just straight up wasnt being asked to come back to them even when he really wanted to like Yuri in the tales re-release even though he was totally down and came back for catherine just fine which is far more niche.

especially if you HAVE to kill them yourself

It's a good thing Last of US was never good, otherwise people might actually care about the sequel also being bad.

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honestly sounds like it low key

tldr transgender teen kills joel in the first half of the game them to play as said teen in second half and kill ellie

Probably the guy who holds the knife up to Joel when he walks in the room. I have no fucking clue this is such asspull bullshit


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they should just go back to Jak and Daxter

how the fuck can you get the drugs to transition during a fucking apocalypse.

The black one who he gut shot at the end and left to die in the parking garage. How do I know? I watched the movie of course.

TLoU is a good game but it should've been left alone. The morally questionable ending was pretty admirable for such a big budget game

ironically days gone tries to have some optimism despite its zombie freakout shit, though it's not so optimistic when you realize it's the future of the Syphon Filter timeline

damn... Half her head is fucking gone

you dont hence why its a roided up dude with a ponytail

If these leaks are true then I can see why Sony cancelled the game. If I put 100s of millions of dollars and found out the characters of the last SUCCESSFUL game are murdered by a tranny, I'd take the loss and scrap the game avoiding any damage to my company. What a galactic waste of money.

>trying to teach the moral of revenge is bad
>actually teach that when you kill your enemies, you have to kill their entire family and lineage to prevent their children from hunting you down
ancient civilizations had it right kek

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I want a new Jak but I'd rather another studio handle it

When everyone says a tranny killed her, are we just memeing cause it looks ugly or is it actually a tranny?

Look at the model, it’s clearly a muscled up young man who just grew their hair out. It looks like the son from GtAV with long hair and some muscle mass thrown on.