Yas Forumsidya Drawthread

Previous Thread

>Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: Barret.png (1500x1500, 368.33K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: BONK.png (392x422, 38.67K)

Requesting Kathy Rain riding her bike on a bright, sunny day.

Attached: KR Ride.png (703x780, 743.77K)

Requesting my character from the videogame "Mabinogi" on her Chichol Set, doing stuff related to dark gods like killing/fighting heroes, spreading dark mist of misery, sitting on a throne, reading ancient scrolls of forbidden magic, flying through the starry night, posing menacingly while bathing in moonlight, doing some sort of ritual or anything else you can think of.

Alternatively, spreading her wings and extending her hand to the viewer, inviting him/her to join the dark side.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: 1587784603821[1].png (4000x4000, 1.7M)

Requesting Adeleine casually leaning on Susie's head, like the characters on the right.

Attached: Kirby request.png (693x312, 253.06K)

Requesting some cute artwork of Carmilla or one of the other monster girls from Trials of Mana.

Attached: Trials-Monster-Girls.jpg (1644x3225, 2.81M)



Attached: maletenryuu.jpg (715x675, 233.84K)

requesting kat and raven from gravity rush with king cai on a leash
the idea being a hypothetical scenario in a never-ever gravity rush 3 where they find cai and try to watch over him

Attached: 1587922671976.png (1764x736, 716.66K)

Requesting Chie in full ninja/burglar garb breaking into a museum or dojo to mess around with an ancient ceremonial/samurai sword.

Attached: Chie Swordplay.png (1286x690, 979.07K)

Requesting Miriam from Bloodstained wearing lingerie + stockings and sitting or lying on a bed in a seductive manner. The pose, the kind of lingerie and whether you want to keep her Tatoos or not is up to you. (Top left is from a mod)

Attached: MiriamBloodstained.jpg (1672x2201, 413K)

This but it's smug, red-eyes Gremory-possessed Miriam.

Attached: 1562203397270.jpg (680x653, 89.58K)

Requesting color for this finished line art by Rommi


Attached: link.png (616x585, 56.51K)


Requesting drunk Adam Jensen.

Attached: Drunk Jensen.png (1299x449, 860.63K)

Here you go, now go play videogames.

Attached: titty.png (264x140, 49.66K)


Real thread's over here.

Requesting Cierra (redhead) in her bikini, using her boobs to hypnotize an user to make love with her.

Attached: 73DC3CE3-9FB0-4B6C-8E9B-21E6A39960D1.jpg (372x499, 40.77K)

away with you ALfag


Requesting lunalu from granblue in your style

Attached: yuan-han-lo-gl9rmwh.jpg (800x945, 147.99K)

Magical Girl Myuria please

Attached: So4_muria.jpg (700x1100, 103.7K)

Requesting male and nude Nitocris presents proudly his big erect dick.

Attached: 1571570118757.png (707x1000, 731.95K)

Requesting Jill trying on sheer stockings.

Attached: Jill Stockings.png (1465x730, 1.52M)

requesting mia being mating pressed

Attached: GSMia.jpg (1200x2100, 496.07K)

Requesting Genny in a cute white (or pink) swimsuit eating icecream and spilling some on her cute petite chest.

Attached: Genny_fire_emblem_icecream.jpg (3496x4038, 2.06M)

Requesting Ryo and Kazuma having a drink together at New Serena.

Attached: Martial Artist Encounter.png (887x1070, 1016.43K)

Pine in a school uniform, dont forget the randoseru and draping uniform top
And one of just Pine asymmetrical docking with Momoko, also from Bombergirl

Attached: Pine_promo.png (1080x1920, 3.26M)

By Ivan.

Attached: Golden-Sun-Official-Art-Booklet.jpg (750x558, 170.28K)

Requesting amelias from sd ggen wearing a bunny suit

Attached: amelias.png (768x1024, 221.49K)

Requesting lewd Cham Cham

Attached: IMG_20190416_194427.jpg (1242x1700, 228.6K)

Requesting Shirma and Chocobo on a picnic.

Attached: Chocobo_Mystery_Dungeon_Picnic.jpg (2338x1780, 571.48K)

Requesting Terra from FFVI wearing her N64 Demo outfit.


Attached: a8e747eedd1620f7319740ff47353d58.jpg (1006x780, 93.83K)