How did we get to this point?

How did we get to this point?

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years of industry-quality rot caused people to drop their standards so low that they consider low-effort recolors to be stellar content

It's just a darker skin tone, jesus Christ shut the fuck up. You people are so fucking sensitive.

>more options = BAD
only on v


I would a dark elf

More options GOOD!

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p-please play our 20 year old game

Easier to appeal to a worldview than make a good game my boy

what are we supposed to be mad at

Any race should be able to be any class.
What are you, a racist?

If only there was another race where you can play as a dark skin elf.

wow isn't canon, it's always had stupid shit like female druids


So you're supporting Pandaren Demon Hunters? Nice.

>drust druids
>tidesage shamans
>prelates of rezan
>orcs from timeline where they never drank mannoroth's blood and draenei go on holy light crusade
>pandarian raised by bolvar
what exactly is the issue?

>Shadows is bringing back old dead bosses
>Only one important dead gnome in the series
My main man Thermaplugg is as good as in.

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classicfags and human male paladins seething

I like how this is basically their admission that BELFs are the Horde's designated self-insert race, lol. They basically thought hey this thing is a human with pointy ears so it would be racist to not have the other skin colors for them

used to play in legion and BFA off and on and non memeing I actually had feelings of hatred and disgust whenever I saw a panda player character

>No Ogre
>No Naga
>No Vrykul
>No Wildhammer Dwarf
>No Frostborn
>No High Elf
>No Taunka
>No Mok'Nathal
>No Broken
>No Ethereal
>Yes Mechagnome
>Yes Void Elf
>Yes Lightforged Draenei
>Yes Highmountain Tauren
>Yes Vulpera

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>mental gymnastics the lore

Imagine trying vote kick race you don't like in random dungeon.

>the lore

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lmao wildhammer and highelves are in Shadowlands you seething tranny

don't worry about it
is a soiposter he's not a human being

>what do the players want? High elves, ogres and ethereals? I know! We'll give them quadruple amputee diaper gnomes!
what the fuck blizz

Wildhammers are confirmed but the datamined blue eyes could be just DK eyes with customizable blue shades.

>the entire race is evil and hostile to both factions
>too tall
>on horde
>possible but why would you
>doesnt make sense

in case for the allied races we do have
>mokey pawed
>where did these niggers come from
>I mean okay i guess
>cool lore but thats it
>shittiest thing to happen to wow

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The only argument against something like that is 'It would make the game too silly' and to actually unironically think that WoW is somehow a serious place is just so pathetic I could cry.