Subnautica Below Zero

Is it better than the first one?

Attached: subnautica below zero.jpg (616x353, 81.17K)

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Right now? Absolutely not.
We'll see how things are after the story revamp.

It's too early to say. For now it looks derivative of the first and the presence of other characters deprive the player from the loneliness which was an important aspect in the first one.
The sound engineer from the first one not working on it is also a bummer since it was spot on in the first iteration and there are a lot of ways it could be botched going forward. I don't give a shit about gamedev drama.

Attached: 2018-02-27_00002.jpg (1920x1080, 1.27M)

The alien designs are better but that is absolutely it.

not even finished yet

it's fucking shit. nigger voices left and right that contribute nothing to the story. terrible sound design because they fired the original dude who made the first game so spook.y

It is worse in every way

>the presence of other characters deprive the player from the loneliness which was an important aspect in the first one.
This is the single biggest flaw of the new one so far. The last one you were a (mostly) faceless, voiceless protagonist lost in a huge, beautiful, uncaring natural world trying to survive. In the second you're a sassy, confident, powerful woman with a sassy sister who you're constantly talking to, removing all the isolation, the atmosphere and the feeling of danger/existential loneliness. Ruins the best part of the game.

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no. the whole isolation thing is gone since you're with a crew the hostile fishies are all jokes that can't be compared to the the first's reapers

Reapers are already a joke.

I'm anticipating mods adding the fauna to the first game

The latest builds seem to have actually removed like, 90% of the conversations from the game, so even they figured out what a terrible idea it was eventually.

>black people swimming
Oh nonono

I just want reapers that don’t look awful

it’s not even finished yet bro, and the voice for the protagonist is so fucking annoying though.

Is this one going to shed any backstory on the intergalactic cabal of school shooters that have gotten all weaponry banned?

Not even safe in the early access trailer.
>View of the different wildlife in the polar regions
>Lazy 'not-penguins' but whatever
>Uh oh! What's this?! Make way for sassy, badass lady! Woah look how cool she looks with her hover bike wow and she's having an action movie escape from a giant monster that's now been spoiled for everyone!



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Thank god we never get to see that model in-game.

why they are pushing a story so hard??? the first game's flaw was the world was too small, especially too small to support the sub. all they had to do was make a bigger world with neat biomes and maybe have more alien stuff to find. now they have a chatterbox mc who won't shut the fuck up. you'd think devs would have learned from garbage like dishonored 2 forcing an mc who wouldn't shut the fuck up.

What are you talking about? Yes you can.

Oh, then I'm glad I never figured out how to.

only way to see yourself is putting a hatch on the scanner room door and then peeking in with a drone

the size was just right granted how deep the world was
sub was an afterthought though, shouldn't have been included in the game

fuck that. using the prawn to roam the sea floor without a lift from the sub sucks ass

The devs are super woke and the lead dev cried on twitter about how upset he was that la creatura MC of the first game wasnt a woman.

He then put up a twitter poll asking "would you prefer we add in a female pc or just improve the base game?" Overwhelmingly everyone voted, improve the base game. He was so blisteringly salty about this he made the sequel 100% black women scientist kangz

Are you trolling right now? Didn't they remove that shit ages ago?

Or is this just Yas Forums being Yas Forums again and just lying left and right?

Subnautica is the scariest game I have ever played. It’s not even a competition

>Didn't they remove that shit ages ago?

I could tell the game was made by basedboys the moment the AI bitch makes a remark about guns being outlawed when you craft the knife

He literally wrote a tearful letter explaining the reasoning behind that decision was Sandy Hook e.g. "one more vote for a world without guns

yeah they changed the whole plot , now you go on the planet under the disguise of a meteorite shower and the station were your sister was working on in the first story draft is now a security station of the aurora corporation as they seem to be doing shady shit with the alien ruins and dont let anyone approach the planet