What exactly is the appeal of female homosexuality?

What exactly is the appeal of female homosexuality?

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it makes my peepee becomes the big peepee


Purest form of love

Fanficfags and trannies love it because it supports their delusions, 90% of the time it isn’t actually in the game.


Also 1 + 1 = 2.

1. If you like 1 cute girl, then obviously you should like 2 cute girls
2. They can have different relationship dynamics than heterosexual relationships
3. A lot of heterosexual romance is written as wish-fulfillment, so the character of the author's gender tend to suffer as a character, while the character of the opposite gender is too perfect. With yuri, most of the time, both characters are actual characters, rather than being a self-insert or an ideal lover, so the relationship is more enjoyable if you want romance rather than wish-fulfillment.
4. A lot of heterosexual romance will have a "harem" setup where one male (or female) is surrounded by multiple female (or male) characters. As such, the story spends more time developing characters than developing the romance. Yuri usually avoid this setup.
5. Heterosexual romances often play the "will-they-won't-they" card. Yuri usually avoids this setup, as the characters often enter a relationship early in the story, and the story then focus on the troubles that affect their couple
6. With heterosexual romances, there might be a female character you like, but then you don't like the male character she gets paired with, so she feels "sullied" by her relationship with him. This is particularly troublesome if you don't like generic "but he's nice" beta harem protagonists. With yuri, this is not a problem since they are both cute girls.
7. They have a wide degree of stories, characters and relationship dynamics, because the readership of yuri is strangely diverse. Heterosexual romances tend to be written for a specific gender (and obviously for heterosexuals), and thus the stories are made with that gender in mind. Male homosexual romances are written 99% by and for straight women, so those stories are just fantasies for straight women. But yuri is written and read in nearly equal part by straight men, straight women gay women. The diversity of creators and readers lead to a wider diversity of stories.

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I self insert as one of the girls

It's the least gay thing possible

Straight men should want to become women so they don't have to even see a dick

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How about you succumb to the 41% already tranny

You'll never be female you mediocre piece of shit.

I am a cis heterosexual man. Keep seething though.

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nice projection straightfag tranny

holy fucking based

Yuri is shit.


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Fucking 1 girl = good
Fucking 2 girls = double good
Thus seeing 2 girls in a sexually suggestive situation is appealing to the human brain.

God I fucking love yuri

Cute girls being cute and lewd with each other

There's literally an entire board dedicated to you faggots. Fuck off.

Go back to r*ddit, straightfag nigger

there's literally an entire site dedicated to you, faggot.
fuck off >>>/reddit/

2 vaginas

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If I could be a biological woman, yes. But a mutilated literal axe wound is not the answer, just keep the dick and wear dresses. Maybe get tits.

oh no no no look at this dude right here

There is no appeal. Dykes are disgusting.

Western dykes.

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Yuri games!

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god, how can westcucks even compete?

Lesbians are important.

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At the very least stamp out fat and ugly acceptance.

I like boobs and I like sucking on boobs.
I like girls' faces and I like girls' faces sucking on boobs

A girl sucking on boobs lets me see both in one picture.

same as cuckoldry

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These 2 girls are in love with the same guy and he only loves kne if them can you guess?

You can get Bigenital SRS where they make a vagina under your dick and you get both

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That's not much better. It's still a puss ridden open wound. Jesus just do anal.

The future.

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I always appreciate positive lgbt representation in media

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