Why the hell do zoomers love Fortnite so much?
Why the hell do zoomers love Fortnite so much?
Why do faggots love pepe and wojack so much?
those are gen alpha you fucking retard.
Why did your stupid ass love cod and halo so much?
it's fun
I didn't. Those were shit games.
It was the first simultaneous global fad so it stuck.
It's like with those retarded fads that happened during school years like people obsessing over card games just that this time the internet was there so it spread globally very quickly.
more like gen beta lmao
did he paralyze himself
Anyone under 21 is a zoomer. 21-35millenial. 35+ a boomer.
that's not how generations work, spazz.
If this isn't some form of bait thread, they don't. It is a memegame. As a current fad it is just part of the zeitgeist, so the action of playing is effectively a reverse non-action and the reverse is true that the actual active stance is to not play it.
That's how it works on the site you're in. Now fuck off
>game is nearly 3 years in
>still a fad
It's free.
>the site you're in
hi esl-kun, I've been here longer than you've been alive you fucking underage mongoloid.
>he's not physical inside Yas Forums right now
haha newfag
That's exactly how it works. You could even stretch it to -21 / 21-40 / 40+ if you wanted. I just think you're mad cause you fall under zoomer.
And cross-platform and runs on a potato.
>that webm
thats it im quiting video games for good and getting a gun
Is that why you're such a faggot? are you internalizing the gay threads?
You gonna kill some kids user?
>people spend hundreds of dollars of their parents' hard-earned money on a free game
what a world
fuck off FBI you arent gonna trick me
bro I am the gay threads they are a physical/digital manifestation of my lifestyle haha
Poor zoomers, influx of normies ruined their gens individuality
Fortnite did one good thing for the games industry, and it's push that crossplay is important for multi-plat multiplayer games. Any multiplayer game that is not an exclusive which doesn't have crossplay should be shunned or at least looked down on until implemented, at least if it's a big publisher that has the capabilities/resources to do so. Crossplay allows games to live longer lives than before, and every crossplay game lets you toggle it off just in case PC controls make facing them too difficult for console players; toggling crossplay per system would be neat but I don't know how feasible that is.
because its a AAA f2p game with life support
did he died
You can play fortnite without paying for xbox live, psn, or switch online. Everyone can play it.
>Minecraft battle royale with guns
I don't get it either
I'm 27 and I have TRIED...literally tried so hard to play Fortnite. It isn't fun at all. Maybe I just suck ass at the game, but I managed to win a couple of matches and it still wasn't fun. Most people spend the entire game camping and slowly moving up. Others just drop in and start killing as many people as they can.
I really don't see the appeal to it. Is it because of all the wacky weapons, skins, and colors?