Can video games help you learn/aquire a language?

Can video games help you learn/aquire a language?

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No, now fuck off japretard

Sure, as long as you accompany the game with material to identify the characters and have the will to learn...

Only if you have a light grasp of the language. Going in blind won't do anything for you. Children's games partnered with study will help.

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Animal crossing is a great game to play in Japanese to help remember kanji and learn a few new words. But it won’t do you any good if you don’t already have a decent understanding of the language. Most games that aren’t totally mature will have furigana over the kanji, or just straight up hiragana instead of kanji, like most of the Pokémon games.

BO is related to diet. fucking retard zipper.

Probably if you play CSGO you are gonna end speaking Russian ngl

Cry some more, Kim

>he's been on Yas Forums for a decade and still hasn't even learned a bit of Japanese outside of anime words

How are you gonna read obscure doujins? lolitachannel? JAV? Import media/vidya? Never-to-be translated anime and manga? Just gonna sit for another seven years for a shady subber to do it for you? In that time, you can learn Japanese, read hundreds upon thousands of doujins and watch all the drama cosplay and chikan JAVs you want.

If you haven't started already, you never will.

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Did anyone know why Quora overtook Yahoo answers? Yahoo answers was always the only thing that came up for me until several years ago where I get solely Quora now even if they're dated quite old. Did Yahoo Answers just vanish from memory? Why has no one mentioned this?

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No one uses Yahoo anymore either. Fuck them, for removing GeoCities.

I learnt about food related shit since cooking is more important to me than porn.

You just got swapped to another timeline

Not Japanese. Japanese is extremely different from European languages and without conscious study of its grammar and lexicon you WILL NOT learn it. And even when you do start to learn it, you have to learn to unravel Japanese’s nuances that have no equivalent in western languages and missing verbs and subjects that are inferred through context to a native but mystifying to a foreign learner. Couple this with its retarded writing system, and you have a guarantee you will never be fluent.

>Spanish first language
>Started learning English at ~4yo
>Games, books, movies

I swear I have been. Every time I google I still expect to see yahoo answer results but I've never got a single result in years.

I wouldn’t say NEVER be fluent, but it’s a huge filter. You have to have a real reason to persist at learning Japanese, and wanting to watch your favorite animoos is not good enough motivation to endure the bullshit that is Japanese.

If you aren't a lazy fuck, yeah.

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the fuck is anki


where are my learning 中文 boys at?

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Structure in language learning is a mistake. Just grind stuff by looking up literally everything you don't immediately understand. Nip is just a massive time sink in particular.

Fuck off, 100% chink pictures is overkill for me.

You can use them to practice your reading comprehension.

And zero structure is also a mistake, user.
One requires a little bit of both. The mere act of enjoying vidya and other content is the chaos. Picking out words you don't know, but want to learn, is structure which will help as you continue the more chaotic learning.

You are being lazy and you know it. Everything you ignore is just a thing you put off for later. Or never, if you tell yourself that your crap comprehension is enough.

No are you fucking retarded? Yes.

Uneducated retard.

I know you've spent more time on Yas Forums than doing any of those things.

This, I don’t understand what the fuck is with the sharp divide on this topic. People are either strict grammarians or radical naturalists. Why not both? Why not try reading a text and absorbing it naturally and thinking about it, and then get an explanation that explains it and any grammar fuckery that might be tripping you up?

Sorry I’m projecting my experience learning Latin.

Yes. That be howed I learn English.

>tfw probably learnt as much japanese in a few weeks as the retarded thread-tards have in years with a few special tricks
And no I don't mean learning just basic hiragana/katakana and babby words/grammar :^)

Also frens stay AWAY from duolinguo or rosettastone, they are scams designed to teach you a bunch of preformulated phrases and expressions but you will NOT learn how to actually manipulate the grammar and synthesize new sentences on the spot.

See I would do this but it would be every string of text I ever come across