'Member when the xbox 360 and ps3 versions of MGSV got leaked and the pcbros got a hold of it and leaked the medic...

'Member when the xbox 360 and ps3 versions of MGSV got leaked and the pcbros got a hold of it and leaked the medic 'plot twist' like 4 days before the official release? Kek
These TLOU2 leaks are unprecedented. We dont even know when the game will release and already the game has been spoiled

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I feel sad for sonybros that wanted to experience it, but hey look on the bright side game looks gorgeous and if gameplay is anything like the first game you'll have.

Everyone figured out the medic plot twist the first time they played ground zeroes on day 1 when the medic clearly had kiefer sutherlands voiced pitched down (combined with the GDC showing of the opening of mgsv showing "ishmael" voiced by kiefer sutherlands in 2013 a year before GZ). It was over a year later phantom pain came out and suprised nobody

Actually managed to avoid having MGSV's twist spoiled.

Not that it mattered much, after everyone played GZ and figured out the medic's voice was Kiefer's voice at a lower pitch I figured out the twist pretty quickly while playing TPP.

I remember when Ground Zeroes dropped and datamining revealed Medic's voice was Kiefer's slowed down but literally no one believed it because it was thought to be too on the nose for Kojima. nope

Hello, I am the reason Metal Gear Solid's ridiculous stories were digestable and compelling. I wrote the Colonel's dialogue in MGS2 and and handled "setting research/justification" in MGS3 to make futuristic technology not appear too out of place. I wrote for MGS 1, 2, 3, and Ghost Babel but not for 4, Peace Walker, and V (the ones with no justification for setpieces AKA bad writing.

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>I remember when Ground Zeroes dropped and datamining revealed Medic's voice was Kiefer's slowed down but literally no one believed it because it was thought to be too on the nose for Kojima. nope

Venom being a doppelganger was an incredibly popular theory even before the medic voice discovery. One of the biggest things people talked about is how Venom smokes an e-cig and Peace Walker has a special tape were Big Boss specifically talks about how he only smokes genuine cigars and none of that fake shit.

Pic related also made people suspicious. Since Big Boss doesn't have any stitches and the horn is in the wrong place in this shot, turns out it's straight up an edited scene made as a red herring since Big Boss never gets the arm or horn.

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No you aren't, you wrote optional joke codecs

post yfw naughty dog forces the dykes working as devs for this to cram for 2 more years to change the game due to the spoilers

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it only made retards suspicious, it was clearly just an earlier model. I mean could you imagine big boss ALSO getting a completely seperate horn and losing the same arm? I mean holy shit use some common sense

I dont believe you

>it only made retards suspicious, it was clearly just an earlier model. I mean could you imagine big boss ALSO getting a completely seperate horn and losing the same arm?

Nigger this is the same series were a man gets possessed by another man's arm and then he frees himself from the possession but then uses self-hypnosis to pretend he's still that person just so that he can trick and AI because reasons. The idea that they would cut off Venom Snake's arm and put a horn in him to make him a perfect copy of Big-Boss is common sense by MGS logic.

Did you forget Kojima is God and Miller's Burger Shop? The funny man didn't leave until Konami made him.
The dip in writing quality between 3 and 4 is all you need to know it in your heart. Compare Eva's or Big Boss's monologues in 4 to any of the previous monologues in the games and you can see that something is missing. Colonel's monologue in 2, Snake's in 2, and The Boss's in 3 are all god tier video game writing. The only good speech since he left was Big Boss's Outer Heaven speech in Peace Walker. Every other one is trite and pretentious. I don't Hideo. I think he's a great level designer. But when it comes to stories he needs a tard wrangler, bad.

I had it spoiled about an hour before the game released, that and the game being as unfinished as it was was the worst feeling in the world for me.

>anything is possible so its a good idea to read into everything that has a mundane real world explanation like an update of a character model with whatever insane shit I can come up with
Hello pythonselkan

Reminds me of when they showed coop in peace walker and niggas be like OMG NEW CLONES, or kojima saying youll be ashamed for thinkinh quiet is just fan service when he thinks her story is good because she and snake have a cool warrior buddy understanding thing ("QUIET IS TRANSSEXUAL CHICO???")

reading this post made me irl cringe like what the fuck are you even trying to say? are you drunk or something?

Peace walker has better writing than 3. 4 was stealth codirected by shuyo murata and clearly kojima stopped caring once his dynamic battlefield factions system was impossible in 2008 on ps3 (letting team dictate ending). V doesnt really have any story clearly was just an afterthought

What are you having trouble with other than the 1 spelling error

and the snatcher posters, everyone seems to have forgotten those now but the shitstorm here was huge when people realized there were two of them

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>Ghost Babel
that game's story is fucking shit quit pretending you played it

but the venom snake twist ended up being real?

MGSV would be a masterpiece game of all time if the filler missions (the ones that dont have written by kojima credit/no bosses/no cutscenes) were cut, the previous gen versions cancelled + 30fps target, internally made tps online mode, no FOBs just one actual base that can be invaded play offline if pussy, delayed 1 year, & shitflex mode canned for real AI

It was real but earlier model of snake had no bearing on it. Meanwhile I pointed out how snake didnt have a horn on the hospital bed in the same trailer and like 20 people told me his lowpoly hair bang was his horn

No clue how you arrived at any of these conclusions.
>PW has better writing than 3
The entire story of Peace Walker might as well be a wikipedia article on nuclear deterrence and M.A.D. theory. The story wraps up with a jailbait school girl piloting a mech to J-Pop. It's just a bad anime at that point.
>Hideo didn't care about 4's story
Well considering the game is 80% cutscenes he could have fooled me.
>V's writing was an after thought.
Nearly all of the trailers promoting the game were about the story. The tapes in MGSV were the darkest turn the series ever took. The game was marketted as a revenge story. Kojima decided to set up expectations and subvert every one by believing his hype as a rusemaster. He did subvert them, he just did a godawful job of it.

Some 'work from home' guy leaked it prolly lul

the story missions are the worst part dipshit

>The entire story of Peace Walker might as well be a wikipedia article on nuclear deterrence and M.A.D. theory.
Yeah that's metal gear for you. Doesn't change that Big Boss is written like a human being and not a retarded cave man, or Hot Coldman actually having intelligible military strategy as opposed to "I'm evil and gay and shit and want russia to win because I like pain. sokolov hurry up with the ICBM with drills"
>The story wraps up with a jailbait school girl piloting a mech to J-Pop. It's just a bad anime at that point
That's not writing that's just tone and fitting for secret postgame ending for a japanese teen target audience

>I feel sad for sonybros that wanted to experience it
Sony bro here. It's better this way. Joel deserved better.

>Actually managed to avoid having MGSV's twist spoiled.
Yas Forums spoilted it for me but retarded as Yas Forums tards actually are made me believe that Skull face was the REAL snake.

>Well considering the game is 80% cutscenes he could have fooled me.
Padding to cover up for broken ps3 hardware and not being able to achieve any of the design goals. Most of the game barely functioned 3 months before certification and the team thought they were going to get torn to shreds until game journalists somehow thought it was a masterpiece at that review camp thing

I was the guy warning you all that MGSV would be shit before it came out. It was worse than I thought it would be.

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Big Boss is written to be naive like Raiden was. He is meant to be a dumb gun because the story exists to give a justification for why he became an ideologue warlord in the first place. It mirrors 2 in how Raiden becomes like Snake by undertaking his own Shadow Moses, Big Boss becomes a corrupted legend by being forced to murder the only person he has. Yes, he's a dorky dumbass but that's just to contrast him with the maniac he's supposed to become after he abandons the US government at the end of 3. Peace Walker and V try to expand on his descent but they are just retreading the same old ground.

Big Boss doesn't have a descent in canon and from dev intent. One of the major misconceptions from western mg fans over-obsessed with it. He has flaws and isn't as clean as Solid Snake but Solid Snake isn't meant to be clean either. He was just on the wrong side of history/Ebil MG universe America

Really funny is how obvious this was made in V with the "WON'T BE CAST AS DEMON'S" song in the trailer, BB chilling out making Comfy Haven instead of going for revenge, Huey freaking out at Venom calling him terrorist maniac etc while Venom actually just naw man go home it's fine bye