I just finished the ps4 version of this and feel like I missed out. Did I?

I just finished the ps4 version of this and feel like I missed out. Did I?

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I haven't played the PS4 version, but I don't see how you could accurately appreciate Sudoku not on a DS, so I'm going to say 'Yes'.
Don't play VLR or ZTD either

Yeah the DS version's twist is super well done with two screens. Way better than ADV and Novel.

I honestly wouldn't know, I played the DS version. The DS version better implemented the big twist regarding the past and the present. Yet, the big enhancement was that Uchi added his usual timeline branches in the PS4 version so you didn't have to replay the whole fucking game. I shit you not, you had to figure out the flags for the two legit endings and replay the entire and all the puzzles to get to them. I've never considered myself a speedrunner, but I was burning through those damn rooms to get a friggin ending.

Don't listen to this user, he's right about ZTD, but VLR was almost as good as 999.
>even bigger setting
>more mysteries
>greatest brotag of all time
>solid cast
>plenty of easter eggs hidden in the environment
>funny dialogue
>Sigma Klim
>engaging puzzles
>secret folders accessible in each room

I loved every second playing VLR, mostly because Sigma was such an enjoyable protagonist. My biggest gripe is that it sets up ZTD so well and you will be burning to rush into it and save the world as the hero of time siggy klim. Only to be met with complete and utter disappointment.

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They give you the ability to switch between NVL and ADV so I read the whole thing in NVL.

VLR is okay, but I disagree with it being anywhere near as good as 999. I feel VLR relied heavily on building up ZTD. I can't look at one without comparing them both, since they keep alluding to it.
SHIFTing was a mistake.

> Never spoken of again after 999doors despite being a trilogy

What happened to him bros

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DS version has the better twist but honestly no flowchart is a pain in the fucking ass and probably not worth it if you value your time.

999 is a masterpiece
VLR has some issues but is legitimately good
ZTD is a fucking train wreck with maybe one good subplot

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if you like ZTD or Uchi, deepthroat a shotgun

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You care about the answers, obviously. Hypocrite

The trilogy was set to be probably one of my favorite of all time. 999 and VLR absolutely sucked me into a game story for the first time in a long time and any time I spent not playing it, I was theorizing what could happen next

Then actually got to ZTD
What a fucking shame

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>The answer to this question will be revealed in the third game, please look forward to it!

the port isn't godawful but you definitely should've played the original for your first playthrough. the port fucks up some really important parts of the ending, the character art is completely botched too
incredibly based and sigmapilled
i'm still mad. he should've been in VLR instead of alice the wench. maybe clover would've still been good too if that was the case

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> Santa, Ace, Snake completely unmentioned after the first game despite being major characters
> Clover is still waiting for you to save her after the second game
Give it to me straight, will we ever get closure? I don't follow whoever makes these games, are we ever getting a conclusion? Does that Somona Files game wrap anything up or is it something else completely?

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999 on DS was great. Not a masterpiece, but still one of the best games for the system. The final puzzle really completed the game, as young Akane wouldn't be able to solve the puzzle with the time limit but the updated puzzle was easy enough that even my 9 year old brother managed to solve it. Completely ruins the purpose of the game.
VLR was also great. It did answer many stuff that was left unanswered in 999, but it also expanded on the while purpose of the Nonary Game.
ZTD was mediocre. I did like how it tied both games up in a way, but the puzzles weren't as good and the whole lmao snails bro thing just ruined what the last two games built up. Still going to play it again as I just finished VLR again today.

I'm still mad that ZTD turned out the way it did. At least the memes wrought from its trainwreck were kind of worth it.

In other news, this came out pretty recently. Nice little game inspired by ZE - or rather it was made out of spite by the dev for how PISSED they were at ZTD.

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Ace and Snake were mentioned in VLR. Don't recall Santa being mentioned anywhere else.

Which is?

what did ZTD do wrong aside from Delta's character?

Unironically everything except Phi's origin

Although alien tech was still retarded

Birth ME Code on Steam, not too pricey for an indie VN but I got my money's worth over the 25 hours or so it took me to finish. I also have a faceless girl fetish though.

hard nerfing the past game's protagonists
no final escape room

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>Are we ever getting a conclusion?
uchi has said he'd be willing to make a fourth game but there is no fucking way we're ever getting full closure. expect it to be ZTD 2 electric boogaloo if it ends up happening, which it almost certainly won't anyway. the only way he could possibly redeem the series after ZTD is if the fourth game was a straight-up retcon of ZTD and continued off as the originally intended follow-up to VLR but that'll never happen
>Does that Somona Files game wrap anything up or is it something else completely?
completely separate series

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VLR needs a remaster, 999 holds up since it's just 2D images but man the 3D models of VLR look terrible.

I mean that's what happens when the triology gets botched and you have to wait five plus years before getting to make the third game.

Anyways AI is better than VLR and ZTD play that instead.

I loved AI for its characters but holy shit they really had to tone down the humour in some sections where it was completely tone killing.

That doesn't really help with the problem of the non-DS versions.
The DS offers both the 'novel' and 'adventure' texts in its two screens. The twist in the end reveals that everything that happened on the bottom screen was actually Akane whereas everything on the top screen was Junpei's story. And since the bottom screen is the touchscreen, you the player have essentially been playing as her the entire team, guiding Junpei through the puzzles to save yourself in the past. And than at the very end for the final sudoku, the display is flipped on its head so you switch the DS in your hands, putting the touchscreen on top - where Junpei is, showing that this time as you solve the puzzle, it is Junpei sending the information to Akane instead of the other way round.

And the realisation of this setup can't really be emulated on any other platform. The novel/adventure mode thing is kind of servicable, but still very clunky and from what people have said in threads like this, they didn't have that same realisation regarding the setup.

also kino youtube.com/watch?v=EjQfY47pFNs

Why is he so based

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So in 999 were there 2 9 bracelets and 2 3 bracelets?

I'm not one to judge based on appearances and I'll probably give it a shot since I do love when a game has a good story but

>That white haired girls portrait artwork
>The literal S that everyone drew in highschool

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>mfw Sigma pounding my cunny

Yeah you're not wrong.
Though I didn't mind it in the action scenes. I thought the booby mag bit was stupid, then it just kept happening that it kinda warped back around to being funny.
I hope we get a sequel one day there's a lot they do with it, just playing another detective or solving a different case. Would be neat.


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Based on what??

So what number did the 9th man have? And the guy who Ace thought was snake? They opened doors so there had to be something

There's some good jabs in the game at least.

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Not even being facetious, have you finished the game?


Every number was correct as stated except Santa had 9 and Akane had 0