Japan > West

>he thinks that Western devs can compete with Japanese devs
The west has NEVER made a good video game.

Prove me wrong. Proptip, you can't.

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Shut the fuck up tranny

I wish that everyone playing westshit would be killed off


The last of us 2


Same, friend.

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Shitty point and click with 5 polygons per model

>this tranny obsessed tranny can't think of any words other than tranny
LOL @ your life

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>muh polygons
this is not an argument

Yes it is, if I wanted to look at shit I'd look in a toilet bowl.

Ok tranny

war of the monsters

But you're correct

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Halo 3

Never heard of it
Generic milshooter

Free Space 2
Command and Conquer: Tiberian Sun
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Baldur’s Gate
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
System Shock
System Shock 2
Axiom Verge

>Never heard of it
i'm so sorry

You literally used the most garbage dudebro retard casualshit as an example? You're not a gamer, just a bugbrain zoomer.
All shovelware or garbage I wouldn't even pirate. If you played these games you wasted your life. Do something productive, you dumb chimpanzee.

don't badmouth dusk

Literally who game. Probably indie garbage.

You aren’t even trying.

I'm never browsing Yas Forums again

pro tip all videogames are equally pointless

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t. crying halo fanboy nostalgiafagging over garbage shovelware

Only stupid aspies play shooters.

Then what games do you enjoy? What’s in your current rotation?

>Oblivion not Morrowind
>No RA/RA2

MvC, Super Mario World, Sonic 2, Capcom vs SNK, Earthbound and SMT Nocturne are all things I played in the last few weeks. For modern games, Nier and Monhun is ok. I also bought Megaman Zero Collection and Guilty Gear on ps4 recently.

Also I completed Cuphead 2 years ago or so. It's not a good game, it's just alright. It's forgettable. The rest of your list is pretty shovelware, System Shock isn't good. Doom isn't good. Maybe old Doom is okay only for what it was at the time. Half-life is.. just single player counterstrike. You have oldfag Yas Forums tastes but that's cringe in itself.

>System Shock
>Command and Conquer
>Free Space 2
How do you even breathe

Weebs still seething over getting owned in these threads.

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>Japan: *designs cute girl*
>Yas Forums: But what if she had a dick?
>America: *designs cute girl*
>Tumblr: But what if "she" had a dick?


They're mostly bad games that didn't age well. You must be retarded to play these in 2020. It's literally just shovelware PCshit that you can get for 1 dollar on steam. Do they have excellent replay value? no. Do they have memorable music or story? no. Do they have aesthetic value? no. It's just autistic old PCshit that's worthless. You are clinging to the past, but not even worthwhile games to cling to. Whatever was on japanese consoles at the time is superior to boring old PC titles like Half-Life or system shock. I'm guessing system shock is $5-$10 on steam. I've even owned it before but refunded it because it's hot garbage. It's INSULTING to pay that price for an old shit game.

This but they’re both soibois

terrible bait

can someone explain why these threads are made every day
what is OP's life like that prompts him to constantly ask this question

You could at least try to make your shitposting less obvious.

>ugly poor amerifats can't form any arguments
>just list out shit shovelware that they bought for 1 dollar on steam
>it's a masterpiece
>o-owned weebs

>japan contributes games with masterful storytelling, awe-inspiring orchestral soundtracks, memorable games with well written stories that people with good taste have nostalgia for.
>and then there's half-life - a shit game with counterstrike's engine about an old scientist guy

LMAO @ your life double digit IQ monkey

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You are actually retarded if you think half life or system shock are good games. There's no reason to argue anymore, you just have bad taste, are a poor low IQ ameritard neet cuckboy and can never understand people with superior intelligence to you.
>b-but muh soi reddit games that valve made are good gaems too..

He’s finally having a mental breakdown.


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>he thinks this is a logical argument
Are you one of those ugly fat neets that has 2000 hours in TF2 and dota? Please keep seething valve fanboy.

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>System Shock

Shovelware and I wouldn't pirate a single one of these games. It's genuinely a waste of time to play any of these terrible games. I suggest you get an education and then a job instead of spending thousands of hours and hundreds of dollars on bad trash games on steam.

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>ugly poor weeaboos can't form any arguments
>just list out shit shovelware that they bought for 1 dollar on E-bay
>it's a masterpiece
>o-owned Amerifats

>West contributes games with masterful storytelling, awe-inspiring orchestral soundtracks, memorable games with well written stories that people with good taste have nostalgia for.
>and then there's Final Fantasy VII - a shit game about some androgynous faggot

LMAO @ your life double digit IQ monkey