Why did it flop?

Why did it flop?

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Who says it did?
It was fantastic anyway

Cause Yas Forums has shit taste because I played the fuck out of Lost Paradise.

Underrated as fuck game. Combat is super fun. Jap VA's are perfect.

because the box art is scientifically designed to scare off potential buyers

Attached: disgusted.gif (275x154, 1.83M)

Ancient IP
Boring gameplay

It sold incredibly well in Japan despite Yas Forums's best efforts.

>FotNS game on PS4
>have xbone
kill me now

Game is fucking trash. Theres tutorials almost to the final level and when it feels like you are finally about to get to the fun the game ends. Compared to Yakuza 0 this game is pure shit

Zoomers are intimidated by anything that isn't moeshit.

xbone is the last thing you want if you like weeb games

>Ancient IP

fucking lel zoomer Akagishitter

Attached: Untitled.jpg (880x780, 109.01K)

>like japanese games
>get the console theyre not on
based retard


Thanks for playing. Try again next time. Combat was super fun. You just have shit taste.

looked like shit

Game sucks shit. As someone that grew up with North Stars it's borderline offensive.

Red means pachinko

>cars made 21 billion

It came out in English?

Good combat
Yakuza fanservice (Jagi Majima, Raoh Dyuji, Toki Daigo, Ken Kiryu)

Everything else
Yakuza fanservice (why not the original VAs?)


Tons and tons of merchandise. Why else do you think Pixar made two sequels even despite lukewarm critical reception and box office pulls?

>As someone that grew up with North Stars it's borderline offensive.
How so?

>start of the game
>no enemies in Eden

>gate is blown up
>enemies appear

>Xsana opens the city to immigrants and lets out every prisoner
>now there are lot more enemies that are even stronger

Really big think

Story, characters, tone. I understand you're the Yakuza devs but that doesn't mean you HAVE to turn North Star into your other games.
I didn't outright hate it or anything, just somewhat annoyed. If I was a real purist however I would have snapped the disc in half.

That said, the actual problem with that game is that it's not fun to play.

>>That said, the actual problem with that game is that it's not fun to play.
Now i know you haven't played it

It's basically a Yakuza mod at the price of a full game.

It doesn't feel like it's own game, it has so much re-used Yakuza shit in it that it feels lazy.

PS4 exclusive

kek this

absolute fucking trash eaters

It didn't

Sauce me up those estimates famalam


It was called Hokuto Ga Gotoku, play on Ryu Ga Gotoku, the japanese tirle of Yakuza
It was always meant to be a mix of the two games

> Why not the original VA's?

Cheaper. Sega always goes for what is cheapest and requires least effort.

So it's a DLC marketed as a new game.

Does it have Yakuza gameplay?

Attached: saki.gif (132x89, 521K)

autistic kids love humanized inanimate objects.

Fucking retard

>So it's a DLC marketed as a new game.
Welcome to every post-5 Yakuza game

>objectively horrible hub-world that's about as fun to run around as the FF7R slums
>shit "quests"
>corny/awful mini-games
>mindless cutscene heavy QTE combat you would rather avoid with random battles being more of a boring chore than something you look forward to
Nothing went right (except the art). How the hell do you make a FOTNS game and fuck up the combat? That should be the point of the goddamn game!
Literally just copy God Hand and add some North Star flair. Done.

Can't wait until bamco buys up buys up Star Wars &/or marvel with what's going on with Disney.