I still don't take this as the series finale

Why couldn't they show Kat actually talking to her friends after her return and have a party to celebrate it?
Or more DLC that took place after the main story.
Fuck, i even pity Cai because he's probably just an unfortunate little fuck that was corrupted by evil and there should've been a part where he's cured from it or something.
There could've been more of this series.
3 years and i still feel pain.

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I hope something happens for the PS5.

Maybe the online features could return.

Anyone got any ideas for what they want in Gravity Rush 3?

Besides just existing, of course.

Since it's not a top 100, I doubt that's going to happen. Still sold 1.3M units.

>2 unique ID's
Absolute state of this coomer game

It doesn't have to be about just cooming, user.

What's the budget for the games, again?

Do i need to post coomer art?

Post coomer art with discussions about the game:
The director said that he wanted to make GR3 utilizing next gen technology, but what I wonder what the PS5 would have to do to warrant another sequel?

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What if they make Cai a playable character?
How should his story be like in GR3?
He felt like he was lacking something in 2.

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How would they expand the world map?

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Actually the ending is perfect. The only thing missing is showing Kat and Raven's wedding ceremony.


Go on...

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Wouldn't both being each other's halves affect that?

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Different planetoids and levels with different gravitational and inertial characteristics. And when flying around in space, you could have players take advantage of fanciful orbital mechanics to position themselves slingshot around using the gravity of planets and asteroids, rather than just fly A-B with normal gravity control.

What about non-euclidean geometry?

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I feel like anything I can think of isn't creative enough for Gravity Rush.
And I think 2 ended pretty conclusively and there's no need forcefully milk the series any further.

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There's still some plot holes left, so maybe some additional stuff like new chapters or episodes.

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Just turn treasure hunts back on. That's all that's needed.

Maybe. I can see how the ending might have felt a little slapdash to some, but I'm more concerned that any justification to call Kat back into action yet again, and to have her powers be docked (since she's effectively a Gravity God by the end of 2) would feel too contrived.

But let's forget about that. Anybody have ideas for a new setting/architectural aesthetic? Arabic? Arctic? Asian?

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It really feels like the developers forgot Cai existed by the very end of 2 or something.
Fucker doesn't even have any fanart or content.
He feels incomplete.
I can't see why she couldn't go back to her usual self in Hekseville but with extra powers.
Maybe she controlled the black hole hard enough to become a part of her and she weaponized it.

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Kat could also be represented as the second main character behind Raven.
Maybe Raven would be the one to have a major story or they could come up with some new stories, like how 2 was mostly something new before it focused on continuing the first game.
Kat going back to Hekseville also means more interesting dialouge with characters and fun moments.
I'd like to see them mixing different architecture types.

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Also, Kat is that kind of character that defies fate in a way that she "turns things upside down".
Whatever could be written in destiny, she could change it somehow.
This is also why i think it would be interesting if she were to meet Cai again and decided to just make him a better person, because he could rewrite the idea that he may have been destined to be an asshole.
She may have sacrificed to save her friends, but she'd still want to see them.
Specially since we never see them collectivally cry for her sacrifice when she does it.

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>because he could rewrite the idea that he may have been destined to be an asshole.
Because SHE could*

Kat gets sucked into the black hole, undergoes time dilation, and wakes up in cyberpunk Hekesville

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I will buy a ps5, day one no matter the price. for just gravity rush 3

Let's also not forget Raven's own DLC chapters, which technically retconned the first game.
No one would complain about Kat returning to Hekseville after becoming a singularity and do what she normally does, when The Ark Of Time did its own damage.
For what we know, they could use more time fuckery to "expand" the series.

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>Gravity Rush 3
>answers what little questions where left unresolved at the end of 2
>and then proceeds to retcon the fuck out of 1 and 2 ala Ark of Time, thus making even more questions

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>>and then proceeds to retcon the fuck out of 1 and 2 ala Ark of Time, thus making even more questions

Here's one.
Cai turns out to be Kat and Syd's lost son from the future that is placed as a member of Eto royality.

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