ITT: Yas Forums highlights that you have or remember

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Agreed. All these "FIRST POST BASED POST INCLUDE ME IN THE SCREENCAP XD" images are peak reddit.

Some retard a couple days ago got scammed out of 500 bucks because he bought a box of rocks thinking it was a Switch.


Pretty much this. It's the most cringy reddit tier shit and I'm pretty sure it's exclusive to Yas Forums.



include me in the screencap

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This can't be real

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This is me include me in the screencap

Someone post it... you know the one.

Seething snoyboys

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>reddit spacing

Among my favorites

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Why do people use this forced meme when it sounds unfunny and makes no sense? Just stick to son*gger if you wanna be a consolewarrior so bad, it sounds much better.

>already 5 years ago

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they hated him because he spoke the truth

that's actually funny as fuck

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"reddit spacing" retards are the same as flat earthers in real life

I maintain that this post changed the complexion of Yas Forums forever.

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I don't think past gets were as populated by bots as now
>26 posts in the span of a second for the 500000000 GET
>the post that got it was a literally nonsensical corona-related one


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Yas Forums has the lowest average IQ of all boards, even Yas Forums is higher

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if you believe in IQ then you're probably also to blame for that.

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Cringed on what?

>this is already almost a month old

>splatoon theme playing in that thread
How the fuck was this already five years ago?

This guy gets it. Stop trying to double down on that shitty post, OP. It's not funny and you know it.

>this was 5 years ago
what the FUCK

Seething snoycuck

it's an anime website. of course there's gonna be anime.
dumbass. go back to neogaf.

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The dude literally posted a screencap of a 500 dollar withdrawal from his account then kept posting the nigger's number thinking we'd do something about it. He was stupid enough to not open the box to see if it had the dock and it was just the tablet.

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lmao why the ban tho?

Too bad he probably ban evaded 5 seconds later

that's... man, that hurts to read.

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>dumping smug anime girl reaction images
So insecure.

Step it up Yas Forums

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anime really is for faggots though

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