DS2 Chad here. Just downloaded SotFS. Haven't played the game for years. Going deprived. Recommend me a fun weapon

DS2 Chad here. Just downloaded SotFS. Haven't played the game for years. Going deprived. Recommend me a fun weapon.

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When will this overused and unfunny normalfag meme die? Gigachads, wojaks, frogs jesus just ban the asswipes posting them already.

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drakekeeper greataxe


good taste king. but I already ran a build like that before. looking for something a bit different. that greataxe seems interesting.

I had the strangest case of the Mandela Effect recently when playing this game. I got to Earthen Peak and was surprised to see that it was daytime. I was sure I remembered lighting that windmill at night. It think I also remembered it was raining as well.

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I play ds2 pretty consistently every few months, and every time i try a new build, i switch back to my go to sword and shield combos, as they are the most efficient for me.
Two non swords that i found consistently good are twinblades, especially the red rusty one which you get rather late. And lances. They are actually really good and almost overpowered in this game. But i found their movesets sort of limiting me and getting somewhat boring. Great if you want to turtle, and just stunlock enemies.

I love going deprived, then picking up the stone ring from the ogre, and using the dagger for an unexpected punch against any invaders
It's the ultimate early-game weapon: the stagger dagger
You can also use the spear for similar effect

If you have to call yourself a chad to try and convince other people you're are, you're not.

I hate this shit



I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than enjoying Dark Souls 2. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are statting, creating, grinding and gearing a character for at least 18 hours just so he can go and get swarmed by endless hordes of boring enemies. All the hard work you put into your autistic little undead - raising his ADP to actually get iframes, sculpting his stupid face in the anime character creator, making sure he has enough life gems, fighting the same boss in knight armor over and over again, seeking estus shards. All of it has one simple result: you wasting your NEET lifestyle on a strict downgrade of a game that came out in 2011.

Built the perfect hollow? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, some random faggots won't gank squad you in pvp. They'll get to fuck you in the darksign every night. They get the benefits of lagstabbing you off a cliff covered in an ugly green MS paint texture.

As a man who enjoys Dark Souls 2, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 hours of your life to playing the worst From Software title since Evergrace. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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have a (you) nigger

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Relax, it's just a game.
Dude, it's the same as you wasting your time shit posting. We enjoy doing stuff for entertainment. Keep it up!

Santeir's Spear

It's old pasta, newfag.

Dual katanas with poison, bleed or magic

>When will this overused and unfunny normalfag meme die?
It's not dead because it's not actually a normalfag meme yet. If you want to kill convince facebook grannies to post half-understood variants of their own.

>pick knight
>pick ascetic
>go to forest
>get majula mansion key
>kill pursuer
>equip ring of blades
>use souls to level attunement to 10
>go to heide tower
>kill dragon rider
>use souls to level faith to 12
>purchase force
>farm souls on knights
>buy cat ring
>drop down pit
>enter rat area
>use pharros lockstone to open the bridge from above
>kill rat vanguard
>join covenant of champions
>ascetic first bonfire
>from second bonfire, run to ladder, climb up, cross bridge
>force Rhoy the Explorer off
>repeat 49 times
>get vanquisher's seal from covenant
>get soul vessel from majula mansion basement
>40 str, 20 end, 20 vit
>rest in str or vit

>optional: buy 16,000 souls of stuff from majula seller
>throw yourself off pit without ring
>speak to him with 0 souls, get invisible armour

Congratulations, you are now chad.

>"no" armour
>no weapons
>all str and vit
Could there be a build any more CHAD than this?

Gigachad looks dyel here, open the gyms already.

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>fun weapon
The only answer is santiers spear (broken).
It is the most versatile and fun weapon you will ever play in a souls game.
It combines movesets from curved sword, twinblade, halberd, spear, and more.
Get 20 str and 22 dex then infuse it with a Raw stone. It can tackle the whole game no problem.

>Built the perfect hollow? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, some random faggots won't gank squad you in pvp. They'll get to fuck you in the darksign every night. They get the benefits of lagstabbing you off a cliff covered in an ugly green MS paint texture.
I want you to carefully read this sentence and realize that this meme doesn't work with this topic in the slightest

Halberds are the only weapons for a thinking man

People shat on this game when the downgrade was confirmed which solidified this game’s place as a meme but the people who actually played it through and through know
A) it is objectively the most varied and fluctuating build sets for pvp
2) the amount of choice in exploration, the amount of replayability, and the amount of original lore this game provided is unsurpassed by 3 bloodborne or sekiro
—you are a little meme dip if you complain about a stat that governs your i frames

doesn't matter what weapon you pick because you'll still play with the floaty sluggish dogshit controls of ds2
you're better off playing anything else

>other people decide if you are chad or not
Dark Souls 2 is the best souls game.


>I got filtered by this game so you shouldn't play it

dual broken swords with poison infusion...unupgraded. you can stunlock and poison invaders with r1 l1 r1 l1 hits.

At first, yeah. But with a good 10 hours you’ll master the new gravity and flow. Assuming you even tried lol

>DS2 "chad"
>Hasn't played the game in years yet claims it's the most replayable
Really makes me think. Meanwhile DS3 is consistently far more populated more than 4 years on.

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>people who actually fight about this shit instead of enjoying all 3
I can understand discussing pros and cons, but you guys just go full rabid fanboy lol.

Lightning Grand Lance

just cause youre a contrarian doest mean youre have good taaste

Lots of guys use your mom too, what does that say about her?

>can't deal with 1/6th of a second i-frames
>has to put points into adaptability
>ends up with a weak build
>complains about the game on Yas Forums
Yep. Like levelling resistance.

the post to expose all ds2 fags