It's fun with friends

>it's fun with friends

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>it’s fun with enemies

i've wanted to get table top simulator just to put together puzzles but knowing i'll miss out on most of it's other content for this reason is what's keeping me from buying it :(

>its get good if you buy all the dlc

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shotgun sharts

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>its fun with your tomboy gf

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>it's only early access
>give it a year to get better

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>it get better 29 hours in

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>it's easy once you get used to it

You DO have friends Yas Forums, right?

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>it gets good 100 hours in

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0 steam friends since 2018

Stop being a pussy and get some friends then

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Project Winter is fun with friends

civ 5

That automatically means it's not a good game coz it can't stand on its own.
Anything is fun with friends, even terrible movies and terrible video games.

Trying to get friends in adulthood is a meme. People are all self centered, it's like dating. Since high school everybody seems really pretentious. Ran into a guy from hgih school and he spent half an hour telling me about how great his life is and how much money he makes. If you don't have childhood friends shit is bleak

>it's fun but not with friends

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Worked in my life machine. :^) I made all my closest friends in adult hood. Stop being an awkward fucking spaz.

Also Yas Forums despises modern ways to make gaming-related friends, ie discord

"Fun with friends" is such a shitty meme
Even the worst game is fun with friends

>its fun but your friends are bad and fail at the easiest of tasks so its just a chain of frustrated failures

Ah, a dota/league player I see

>game only lets you play multiplayer with people from your friends list

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>tfw oldest frens changed drastically once they started college
>one became a frat douche who gets his fun from duct taping eyebrows off
>one became a wigger and started worshipping tupac and rap music, even started talking in ebonics
>one was rich and got a set of orbiters leeching him and that bullshit got to his head thinking he was hot shit

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just literally anygame
Ratchet and clank to WoW to generic FPS

No faggot why the fuck i want to make friends with trannies?

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which game is this? Will avoid

who is this qt?

Name a single game that's not.

I miss the fights.

>tfw have friends who I used to enjoyed playing with, but they rarely ever play anymore so I don't ever bother
>had another group from uni that I played vidya with but I fucking hated them so I ghosted them shortly after graduating
I'm content with singleplayer kino so I don't really care. multiplayer shit is a waste of time anyway

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