Take a comedic lighthearted scene and turn it into something edgy

>take a comedic lighthearted scene and turn it into something edgy
I feel sorry for westerners having to play this the more videos I see of the western version I’m not surprised people didn’t like the game as much it’s too annoying listening to them speak

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They try way too hard even though it’s obvious the game was sterilized.

And then westerners have the audacity to claim it was censored. Fucking retards, you just got NISA'd

tifa was censored

As far as I’m aware, she’s the same in Japanese S she is in the foreign one, except her voice is cuter in Japanese because English people don’t know how to speak with a cute voice

Isnt that supposed to show that madam M hated corneo since always
obviously she does have something against him thats why she doesnt mind about you

It’s cringy and awkward

i laughed not because of the swears, but because she clearly is pretty moody and had bottled up feelings

Like when shes so calm when you meet her, then mention her the whole invitation and she loses it and screams at you

It's really only awkward if you are a prude and swear words upset you.

Yeah it’s a funny scene but westerners ruined it, it just comes across as awkward
Okay, so you’re still 12 and yell like that into your mic when you play games. Cool

Wait for the PC release and hope that someone re-translates the subtitles.

>take a scene about the shame of being seen moments from death
>turn it into a flirtatious moment
I agree, but EOPs lap up whatever they are fed without question. It's unfortunate, but 2020 is a shit year to not know other languages.

Attached: jessie's final words.jpg (943x520, 37.98K)

Or just play the original version instead of the dub?

Shut up, insect

Why can't Americans for some reason not fathom someone not saying fuck or something? niggas actually get bewildered at the thought of someone not swearing every 2 sentences.

I'm only seeing pictures here. What's the context?

>JP Cloud voice acting portrays an aloof yet chill dude.
>EN Cloud is a rude edgelord insulting people for nothing
What did they mean by this?

Attached: englishdub.png (587x771, 215.44K)

says that guy that had to type nigga in his reply for no reason
god weeabos are embarrassing lmao

>jp name
are you japanese? is anyone of your family japanese? so why do people feel the need to put japan in a pedestal and defend it all the time while also thinking themselves as japanese?

the subtitles won't match at all, read what he said

I'm 27 and generally find swearing to be unnecessary in scripts like these, and I also hate dubs.

That being said, FFVIIR is a pretty good dub and the swearing hasn't bothered me yet, Cloud saying "I don't give a shit" is in character, whether people want to admit it or not. Madam M losing her shit and cobbling a bunch of swears together is also very natural for a middle-aged woman with power not getting her way. There's actually way less swearing in this game than I expected, Yas Forums overblew the issue for sure. You guys act like this dub is funimation tier, it's not even close to being that bad, or bad at all.

It would honestly feel less natural if a bunch of full-blown adults living in the bad part of town actively involved in terrorism and crime never swore, especially during emotional moments. Go outside.

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Uh, what are you talking about? Why wouldn’t the subtitles match? That’s the whole point of subtitles

>Imagine getting triggered because some tweetfag uses moonrunes son their names


What's she say in the original then? Excessive cursing can be sort of out of place.

More 4kids tier, but alright. Guess you got really low standards.

baka baka kawaii desu

it's ok when japan does it

>can't have the men lead!
why do western devs always do this? hell, women fucking hate men who can't lead

That's why the term "dubtitles" exist. The dub for this game took insane liberties, they don't match the Japanese script at all.

Where's the Jap version with subtitles?

would only work if you speak nip. I don't and play with english subs/nip dub. But even I can tell when ameritards are going off rails with the translation. Not to mention that some of the dialogue isn't subbed at all (like for example when cloud losses it in hojo's lab and has a nibelheim flashback)

Actually I have high standards, much higher than yours, and I think the dub is fine.

If you have any hard evidence to dispute my claim, I'd like to see it. Fully sourced, mind you. And please, use industry terminology when criticizing the voice acting, and source examples that display the differences you're trying to explain.

Until then I'm smarter than you, older than you, and you're a virgin that will never learn japanese.

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as long as they know the language pointing out incongruencies with the translation for those of us that don't is not a bad thing user, nor is it putting japan on a pedestal or defending them.

Yeah, so play the original version is what I said.
That sounds like a personal problem to me, it’s the year 2020 learning Japanese is easier than ever

The OP image, dummy. It's censored for comedic effect.

Not him but the subtitles are the same regardless of the voices. Are you retarded?

I'm black so it's okay if is say it. Also, Just because I say fuck and shit etc, doesn't mean I think characters saying them often is badass or cool.

>I think the dub is fine.
> I have high standards

We all know that you only learned japanese to play monobeno, it's ok pedo-kun

>I feel sorry for westerners
I don't think about you at all.


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I mean I'm actually 30, I'm just not afraid of words user.

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I don’t know what that is

Lots of arguments in this thread, so I thought I'd set the facts straight.

Playing Japanese games in any other language than fully in Japanese makes you subhuman. Lol EOPs.

Not everyone is a weeb friend.

Playing Japanese games makes you subhuman

It’s really out of character for them to talk like this though, imagine if Goku calls frieza a nigger or something

And yet you play Japanese games?


For you EOPs here's the Japanese dialogue
a pigheaded person, a miser

Insulting suffix (often translated as "bastard")

So "You greedy bastard!" is pretty spot-on
All they did after that was replace one very long curse with a string of curses.

They were having this argument a hundred years ago when Jules Vern novels got shitty translations into English, just accept the western dub sucks or as this game would put it, is a scum sucking piece of shit festering asshole. See how ridiculous that sounds?

You play Resident Evil and Devil May Cry in Japanese? What about Dead Rising, or Marvel VS Capcom 3?

Wow it was thay easy to make you look like a retard huh

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Yes but FF7 has always been a light hearted game at its core with some serious moments. The censored swears are for comedic effect, changing that to her talking about sucking shit and dirty assholes just makes it seem edgyn


You can enjoy something that comes from Japan without worshipping them and thinking they are the greatest people to walk the Earth.

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No, I play Biohazard in English. There is no Japanese dub

I didn't say the dub was good, I just don't see how the user said it was awkward.

>The censored swears are for comedic effect,
It's something else that people don't realize this. FF7R is edgy as fuck whereas the original was just funny.

Damn he got destroyed lol, had to say dilate because his argument was shattered by four games O I am laffin

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What makes you think I do that?

Dilate, EOP.