Animal Crossing New Horizons, Post DODOs

Anyone got Celeste tonight?

Post Dodos, because I'm bored and wanna go island hopping

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>he doesn't know how to center his buildings

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any hackerbros or tters with decent nip prices
im a hoarder and my storage is full so i need to upgrade my house, also i have a really cool idea for the attic that i wanna start on

>Anyone got Celeste tonight?
West coast fag here, I'll let you know later.

The coomer list has been updated once again. Some notable stats
>New entries
C.J. and Teddie
>Highest climb
Flick from 302 to 523
>Close to entering the list
Carmen at 93
Tangy at 91
Freya at 89
Daily reminder not to have a coomer island.

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>How to make your museum take up four times as much space as it should

No fucking wonder you guys see more stores as a bad thing


Finally got the 5 star rating.

Bro fucking how

Someone with an extra garden bench DIY please trade with me I'll suck your dick.

Same here. And I just finished catching all of April's fish and bugs so it's all comfy sailing until May.

No surprise Flick's so popular.
Any of it tomboy?

>a bunch of trash in front of your museum

I think maybe the museum upgrade is 1 block wider, because I had to move something to get past it when I could easily do it before

Nope , museum is the same space as it's always been.


looking to catalog

I can give you gold nugs for your effort

Gold nugs are worthless now. I have 40 stacks in my storage thanks to based hackerbro.

alright, I dunno what I could give of value then

Any open islands or discord servers I can join? I'm bored.
Add me: SW-8034-4943-6609

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It's 12.50am though.

I made a custom tile set to create a beach dock extention! WIP

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>docklet coping mechanism

I'm pretty sure I have the big dock?

>getting dock enhancements
You guys know that doesn't really work, right?

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There's not really much to do but anyone is welcome 5LP86

Post and rate villagers

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>he doesn't know about redundant clutter

I'm worried about Isabelle, she's always drinking whiskey in the morning...

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Looks more like iced tea to me.

I wish there was a credit card item like in CF, I always forget to bring 200k+ bells when I visit other people's islands and then their cranny has some expensive item I want
Or at least let you use the ABD on others' islands


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please don't ruin my headcanon, thanks


Anyone have a black box sofa I could catalog?

cute pashmina, op

nothing special happening on my island, nook's is being renovated though. just come say hi, and if you feel generous I would appreciate cowries so I can make shell stools.

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she drinks because she's forced to stay awake all night