Why don't people enjoy playing challenging game genres?

Why don't people enjoy playing challenging game genres?

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>skill based

Majority of people who play games are casuals. Like most of Yas Forums

shitters detected

Glorified rhythm games. Actually i take it back rhythm games are harder

because most people play games to relax, not to challenge themselves

>where the only required skill is autism

>Real Time Strategy

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They have challenging lives.

>le meme text
>implying implications
I just want to fit in like all of you!

>none of the fighting games posted are even skillful
Fucking kill yourself shitter

Seething ASSFAGGOTS players

>didn't even post a basedjack
never gonna make it

replace rts with rhythm and then it's (more) correct

Brainlet detected. RTS are more akin to that description.

rhythm is just shmup for people too retarded to operate a joystick

itt: loophers.

rhythm games are just playing a musical instrument without any of the nuance or theoretical understanding.

>rhythm is just shmup for people too retarded to operate a joystick

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Being optimal with Magneto in MvC2 is as technically skillful as a fighting game can get.

rhythm is peak skill based games
it's nothing but pure skill
you can't get lucky and you can't bullshit or cheese your way through. There's only one way to win and it's through PURE FUCKING SKILL

>thinking skill is a generic term for being good at something

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Fighting game nerds get so defensive when you tell them the straight truth, anyone can master a fighting game, its really not that hard.

it's pure muscle memory, which is just one type of skill.

i don't play fighting games, but that's just blatantly not true.

anyone can get good at anything after a certain amount of practice

It's not skill at all, it's just memorizing a pattern. There's no reaction or adaptation. Even in a shmup you can have subtle variances in shot patterns if you're a milometer out of place forcing you to adapt. RTS and Fighting are way more skillful though since you need to beat another thinking human who will always out perform an AI. Honestly shmup needs to be removed and another head to head game put in its place. Maybe Arena shooter or something.

what did he mean by this

>all these losers thinking their japanese space ship games require skill
if only the rest of the world knew how to make skill based games like the chad america

If we're talking pure skill, then there isn't supposed to be subtle variances in patterns or any elements of randomness, which is what you get when you play against another human.
Come on fighting game fags should be well aware of this, since they complain about random elements in tournament level gameplay. Rhythm games are pure skill on an absolutely level playing field. Like I said earlier you can't get even a little bit lucky and you can't exploit anything to cheese through. You can't go up an opponent who was having an off day. You can't pray some mind trick works in order to win. You can't end up in a position where the game acts a little differently and gives you an easier pattern or something. You can only do one thing and this is git gud yourself.

Once again, you can't manipulate the game to make it easier or act differently in any way. You can't manipulate an opponent to make it easier or act differently in any way. It's unchanging, and the only thing you can change is your skill level.

what's with this autistic mindset a certain subset of gamers have where they incorrectly believe the definition of skill is to "react" and "adapt" to things, and that nothing else counts?

because anything else is memorization and memorization isn't a skill worth celebrating.

that's nonsense, though. that's like saying master dancers or performance martial artists aren't skilled, despite the fact that they've spent years/decades of work on perfecting their art.

>painstakingly practicing something mechanical to perfection isn't worth celebrating
Boy, am I glad I don't live in your shut-in world.

Yes it is, unlike being good at video games

We hold public tournaments all across every relevant country just about every month. Don't tell us anyone can master them, go win a tournament then tell us. Until then your opinion means jack shit and that's why I love taking part in a merit-based genre.

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FPS is the only genre that belongs in that image.

shumps and fighting games are just muscle memory shit, especially the former, while RTS is simply spam best units to win

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You forgot rhythm games