So who did it better?

So who did it better?

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MGS2 better executed subversion than a garbage california written western game.

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I can't believe she's the protagonist and that she kills Joel. It's so absurd. It's a monumental fuck up.

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Yell Dead Incel.

raiden, you grow to love him just as much as snake

Raiden was a fucking joke

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>Snake is portrayed in almost divine light and as an unreachable soldier ideal
>Raiden looks up to him and Snake mentors him
>Raiden eventually sacrifices himself to save Snake in MGS4

>Big Dyke McHugeLarge beats Joel to death with a golf club
>she also kills Ellie as the final boss
>the entire game pisses on you, the IP and the writers of the previous game

I dunno senpai, you tell me.

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Imagine if you had to kill Snake in MGS2

so TLoU2 is pretty much the same as MGS2, what's your point

Is that a man?

That's not going to work you smelly, dumb, westacuck scum.

Yeah, it's a troon.

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MGS2 is also a western game.... so... yeah... yikes...


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can't deal with the truth weebfag.

He's not even baited the hooks!

if it's sold in the west it's a western game

>women can't be strong unless they're masculine

Name one feminine strong woman.

why does she have more muscle than any man in the game? why are her tits so awful?


That's actually true, there's no way a woman can actually fight against a group of grow up man.

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Joel AND Ellie both die. Joel is killed in the first few hours by Abby, the daughter of the surgeon you kill in Part One. This is apparently what happens in that scene in the trailer where Ellie's being held down. Ellie dies at the end of the story, but he wasn't told how. Jesse and Dina live. You play as Abby for half the game.
I absolutely believe this because it's the complete opposite of what I want and what every fan wants, and that's how literally every fictional property (except maybe Marvel?) has seemed to be going, lol.
It makes sense too, with what we know-- Ashley Johnson cried when she first heard the story, that PSX thing where both of them sang that ominous Johnny Cash song, Abby being the daughter of the murdered surgeon speaks to the whole, "cycle of violence", theme that Neil and Haley Gross keep repeating.
Troy Baker just said something like, "The Last of Us Part II will make fans question everything". According to this guy, Ellie is portrayed as the bad guy because of her body count, and so showing Joel and Ellie from the perspective of someone who had their life destroyed by them would certainly make us, "question everything

>MGS2 (Japanese)
>Designs formed from imagination to look as extravagant and striking possible, with every little detail seeped in meaning and design philosophy

>TLOU2 (Western)
>LOL let's just put a tank top on a tranny

I dont like that women need to basically be men in order to tell a story with a female lead. Its actually condescending to women and I dont know why its praised.

>Snake is portrayed in almost divine light and as an unreachable soldier ideal

False, Snake is a buffoon for most of MGS2, Kojima only said all that bullshit 'looks cooler from a different perspective' to save face. He was clearly being phased out.

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This puts me in mind of those 7 foot tall JACKED female warriors in the ass creed games.

try harder next time

I just realized Sony is stealing Microsofts thunder by releasing a game with a tranny protagonist before Microsoft does.