Post a video game without posting the video game

Post a video game without posting the video game

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I still can't believe Canada got away with this show.

Alex is caramel perfection

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Earthworm Jim


Honest Hearts

Revolver Ocelot

Attached: Revolver Ocelot.jpg (460x563, 38.89K)

I have no idea what this show was about, it looked really dumb to me

It's actually French. Canada involvement was for like 1 season at best.

fetish fuel thinly veiled as a children's cartoon about spies

i am unsure of how this series got made in the first place when from start to finish it was a giant fetish clip

Attached: 1548553871451.png (445x598, 177.13K)

Basically Kim Possible but with cute bimbos and situations that look like DeviantArt fetishes once you get older.


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You're pretty good!

>has weapon
>loses weapon
>has to pick it up again


i never liked judo but wrasslin with qts was a huge plus

the girl?

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Twin Snakes

I'm almost SURE this is darkstalkers. Too lewd not to be.

Time Splitters 3?

you'd be wrong and stupid, that's jungle de ikou

It's some shit ecchi ova from the 90s

Hyrule Warriors

Attached: e7d29f542aaf3abfea3f98827865ee32.jpg (1280x720, 330.68K)

wow, you actually got it right

congrats, user

If you can't recognise jungle de ikou the moment you see it then you don't belong on this board

Lisa the Pointless

>oh no... I lost

Resident Evil

Thanks, you have good taste in titty monsters.

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I know what it is and it's still shit.
The delicious brown anazon with the balloon tits doesn't save it from being stupid.