>review mentions "level design"
>review mentions "gameplay loop"
>review mentions "gamefeel"
Review mentions "level design"
i don't feel like the term "level design" has been memed to death like "gameplay loop" has
"gamefeel" is a meaningless meme term anyway so i don't care about that
>"gamefeel" is a meaningless meme term anyway
why not google the meaning if you don't know it, instead of claiming its meaningless
because it's vague and covers a bunch of things which can be broken down individually instead of going "ummm game feel good, is comfy"
you aren't actually defending that shit?
"level design" likewise covers many different things, and you can use it in a dumb way like "ummmm level design good"
literally doesn't though, it refers to how the level is laid out
I'm getting baited now though
Could be worse, they could be mentioning shit that doesn't matter like the story or the graphics.
>review mentions "level design"
What's wrong with that? The quality of the level design can make or break a game
and game feel refers to how the game feels
there are countless components of level design. general shape, objects, elevation, flow, enemy placement, etc. just like game feel is made of particle effects, character animation, sound effects, etc.
this is just more proof that Yas Forums abhors talking about mechanics
>how the game feels
like sound design, aesthetic, immersion, etc?
seriously, 0/10, do better
ITT: I don't know what commonly used words mean in this context, so rather than looking them up and understanding what everyone else knows. I'm going to say it "doesn't matter".
Yas Forums is retarded. Holy shit lmfao.
There is nothing wrong with referencing level design. The problem is when reviewers try to assign quality to it when they don't know the first thing about evaluating it.
Neither do I, but I'm not a reviewer.
The image you just posted is from a game with kino level design though.
>ludonarrative dissonance
i don't mind if they use those terms and go on to explain themselves
but they usually don't
>Muh Immersion
Whats wrong with talking about Level Design????
>Review uses "adjectives"
For those who believe that "level design" is meaningless, here's an example of bad level design
>game review mentions legitimate things
all valid metrics
looks like based level design to me
itt "wow >written language so cringe"
Is this a fan game? It looks better than official 3D Sonic games even if the level is a mess of random platforms.
I prefer this form of level design over glorified corridors just for the novelty.
"Level design" is fine since you can visually observe and measure how well the level is laid out.
"Gameplay Loop" has been memed to death but the core idea isn't bad to help explain what you'll be doing the majority of the time.
"Game Feel" is fucking retarded.
>does fucking anything
>atoms collide with atoms
fuck you
>watching reviews
>review has the word "granular" anywhere in it