I only say one thing: Congratulations to the fucker who did it. These are the things that makes companies to not localize and bring Brazilian voice acting/subtitles to Brazil.
These leaks generate buzz but in the end, they just bring discord.
But the entire reason the game was delayed is because they COULDN'T print the copies in time, because of coronavirus. The game is finished, but they refuse to release it digitally because diskfags would throw a shitfit over it.
Carter Stewart
literally no one is surprised by this, those fuckers are so "lol we're deconstructing shit" that they fall victims of themselves, Game of Thrones style
anyone got a video on the ending of this shit movie? can't wait for this to come out so people start shittin' on neil cuckmann
Charles Wood
the leaked videos are subbed in pt-BR, dummy where else would it have come from?
Lucas Roberts
>NOOOOOOO HOW WE GO ON WITHOUT JEW PROPAGANDA MOVIE GAMEEEES couldn't care less, most hues dont care either
Dylan Evans
>Dina: Oh, you want a bite mark? What is this softcore BDSM shit?
Landon Kelly
based huehues
Michael Wood
Basado also eww
Ayden Turner
Thats actually how it works you retarded faggot these companies work with pre-release builds running on devkits lmao. You seriously thought they just simply translate text they get or what lol?
Logan Thompson
BRs don't give a fuck, but these guys have yet to beat the BR that leaked 1 hour of footage from Flight Simulator, dude didn't even bother hiding his face
Jonathan Powell
Isaac Collins
Basado. Fuck Naughty Dog.
Isaiah Campbell
Why was this a sequel to a zombie shooter instead of a new IP?
Juan Baker
looks like english to me
Christian Fisher
fucking kek time to spread that shit everywhere
Jacob Reyes
Thank you Blader Koyotte, very cool
Benjamin Long
>growing pot Really?
Lucas Perez
Macaco imundo que nem inglês fala tem mais é que se foder mesmo. Quanto menos macaco puder ter acesso a jogos em geral, melhor.
John Perez
Chupa minha pica Arrombado
Samuel Brown
Connor Foster
It's because sony isn't paying workers apparently. Like, imagine getting crunchED only for the game to be cancelled and with no pay after all that work.
Nathan Wright
hello? Based department? We got an emergency
Aiden Bailey
>growing pot
From all the pozzed shit that's in the game THIS is what surprises/bothers you?
Colton Collins
Die in a fire, macaco de merda
Cooper Scott
>you seriously thought they just simply translate text they get or what lol?
Actually that happens a lot if company is cheap as fuck. Most weeb games get shit dubs because this.
Jackson Walker
Good. Fuck Brazil and fuck the rest of Latin America. I hope General Tsao's Sicken wipes you all out. Anways, fuck Naughty Dog too for becoming the American Kojima Productions.
Kevin Flores
The message is that Brazil hates trannies and terfs?
Henry Baker
The subtitles in PT -BR proves nothing, this can be easily changed, if I was the leaker I would put the subtitles ina different language than mine. Btw this Brazilian crying for a company is pathetic.