*subverts your expectations*

*subverts your expectations*

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fuck this guy

twitter spoilers to him

All thats missing is some time dementors are we are set

Bravo, Rian.

why the fuck is this so popular right now in media? subverting expectations doesn't make something good

>tfw the game is fun

>still sells 6 million copies on release to critical acclaim

Because Marvel/Disney did it a couple of times with a couple of their movies/characters and everyone wants a piece of that success pie so they feel if they did what MCU did, then they'll be successful too.

Some people love that shit.

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because since "everything has been done" in terms of basic story writing, they think a story being post-modern like Tarantino shit makes it intelligent and cool

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Cuckman is about to carpet bomb his own series, jesus christ it's so surreal I cannot WAIT for this fucking game.

The entire fan base revolves around Joel and Ellie.

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give leaks

Does it include time jannies?

Now that's peak cope.

because authorial ego has gotten so out of control that M Night fucking Shyamalan looks like Pinhead Larry in comparison

Doesn’t matter, the game will still sell like hotcakes due to the fact that the average fan is a bearded whitoid who loves strong female characters and loves to pew pew with guns.

What's wrong with strong female characters?

why is Yas Forums so obssesed with this guy?

Shut up faggot

Only if you are a cuck and expect something decent from people like him. You know exactly what to expect otherwise.

he's the only game dev that's objectively bad

They're only okay when Japan does it.

What does Shia LeBoof have to do with vidya?

It's an convenient excuse. The infected ones use this (in combination with denigration of the target audience) as a shield against any criticism since it allows then to just write whatever they want without any kind of coherence or logic. Remember, it's same people that says that following a "canon" is a bad thing for the same reasons.

The West used to do it right with Bloodrayne and the like. It's been a long time though.

what video game is this

removes your boobs

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Joel AND Ellie both die. Joel is killed in the first few hours by Abby, the daughter of the surgeon you kill in Part One. This is apparently what happens in that scene in the trailer where Ellie's being held down. Ellie dies at the end of the story, but he wasn't told how. Jesse and Dina live. You play as Abby for half the game.
I absolutely believe this because it's the complete opposite of what I want and what every fan wants, and that's how literally every fictional property (except maybe Marvel?) has seemed to be going, lol.
It makes sense too, with what we know-- Ashley Johnson cried when she first heard the story, that PSX thing where both of them sang that ominous Johnny Cash song, Abby being the daughter of the murdered surgeon speaks to the whole, "cycle of violence", theme that Neil and Haley Gross keep repeating.
Troy Baker just said something like, "The Last of Us Part II will make fans question everything". According to this guy, Ellie is portrayed as the bad guy because of her body count, and so showing Joel and Ellie from the perspective of someone who had their life destroyed by them would certainly make us, "question everything"


Soulless vs Soul