Is this true or just nostalgia and contrarianisim?

Is this true or just nostalgia and contrarianisim?

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Entirely true. Some groups of people were never meant to mix.

100% true, I pity you zoomers who don't know the era of having The Server and actually recognizing play-style habits in your friends and rivals, the shared mellow vibes, actually calling people out for getting the best of you or you finally getting them back in a spirit of camaraderie instead of red-faced anger like you were cut off in traffic.

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I'm not a zoomer so i have no idea what ASSFAGGOTS era tranny ban happy mutiplayer is like. The only multiplayer I use now is fightcade, which hardly even works.

"toxic" has to be the most zoomer term on the planet. It immediately outs you are a zoomer because it's a clear euphemism for the once ubiquitous "cancer" anyone who used "toxic" as part of their vernacular is clearly a bugmen.

Let me show you.

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>the hallowed list of favourite servers

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wahts ubquituos???

What did they do?

>I will never relive the time when I played on a dead clans Jedi Academy CTF server with a community of people united by their unwillingness to pay for their own
>I will never experience getting raided by Brazilians and messaging all the regulars on xfire to mount a counterattack again

There was something special about being on a server with almost no moderation. If someone was hacking or spamming racial slurs you could message the clan that owned it on their forum and they'd deal with it like two weeks later, but anything short of that was checked only by the fact that assholes were KOS.

God damn I miss fy_iceworld and 420shotguns and scoutzknivez and fy_pool_day

harbl_hotel. home.

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is this a big word now for the ESL phone posters on this site?

It’s 100% true. Been multiplayer gaming since golden eye. Go and play rising storm 2 and you’ll see it’s true. Each server is good at different experiences and you get to know the regulars.

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>pl_upward 7/24 instant respawn
>You will never go back to a time when tf2 was still good

from I remember people just randomly reported each other because they got butthurt from trash talk, for instance "you suck", "Why are you even in [rank], you should go practice", "Fuck off " shit like that. Just trash talk, but apparently you can't do that in Overwatch so people got automatically banned on mass due to reports

>gun icon
It's rainbow 6

wait no, it was a streamer who reported a bunch of people or something, hell I can't remember.

anti cheat honestly worked better with tight knit community servers
>think someone hacks
>spectate them and record a demo
>review demo with sv_cheats and wireframe enabled
>admin tribunal decides if this is conclusive or not
>player who reported gets good boy points, possible promotion to free admin for catching cheaters

sorry your forums were inactive, we had posts every week for new movies, games, music, etc.

honestly overwatch and pubg did a lot more damage than most people understand to gaming

Could have sword it was Overwatch but thanks.

>join sever
>own some niggers with your sniper skills
>kicked due "aimbot"
Sore losers.

"Toxic behavior" which can range from calling someone a nigger, to casual gitgud-tier insults, to team killing (on purpose or not), to just doing poorly. They do em in waves, not necessarily when they did the thing/got reported which is why all those people got banned at once.

100% true, sometimes this old good new bad shit has lots of nostalgia built in but this one isnt the case, current match-making is absolutely worse in every way.

dont git gud

i kind of doubt you were better than our ESEA ranked awpers who played on our custom servers for fun

our only other rule was: don't use your mic if your balls haven't dropped

if the hardcore gamer is so good why does he get matched with inferior people, huh? maybe he's not as good as he thinks he is?

Man I hate that shit

I miss my comfy 2Fort servers.

>i kind of doubt you were better than our ESEA ranked awpers
I was playing RtCW:ET, that makes me de facto better than any "awper".

I fucking hate videogames today

Jannies and trannies are a mistake and all should be shot

It's without a doubt correct.

We've lost all of that.
And there are zoomers on this very board who think the only reason people could possibly not like all multiplayer being centralized and controlled by publishers is because they want to be able to spam nigger everywhere.

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Even the skial servers dropped instant respawn and are forcing godawful "pro" variants of standard maps nowadays to pander to compfags.

>start playing tf2
>learn to use the server list due to terrible matchmaking, find a lot of fun servers
>official servers roll in, still no good matchmaking. Still having fun
>functional matchmaking implemented, official servers disappear from the list, dedicated servers start to die
I want to go back

>l4d2 on xbox
>get on a normal VS lobby

>l4d2 on PC
>welcome to ultrafag server
> 24/7 no mercy, rpg point system mod, pick your infected no tank


What an absolute smoothbrain of a post.

I couldn't imagine spending money on a game when I can't host my own server.
>can only play until company decides it's not profitable to host server anymore
>can't choose with whom to play
>can't choose options, map rotation, mods