Hey niggas, why does this MMO make Yas Forums so mad?

Hey niggas, why does this MMO make Yas Forums so mad?

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It killed their older favorite MMO.

Because it has the name Final Fantasy on it but there is nothing truly Final Fantasy about it. It's an overused and greedy sheeme to bait people into buying this.

because the playerbase is fucking shit at the game they spent 5000 hours in

What makes it nothing like Final Fantasy? It seems to hit all the marks.

>Long story with lots of words
>Slow combat
>Grind nonstop
>Reuses stuff from past games

Also zoomers hate MMOs and Yas Forums is full of them if you aren't aware by the state of the board currently.

The majority of the mandatory content is shit and the player base is dominated by autistic recluses that pretend to be AFK if you attempt to communicate with them

>He picked the bad server

I don't know, I've found myself enjoying this one and normally I can't do that with any non action JRPGs. It's the only Final Fantasy I've played for more than a short while.


How do I get past the utterly boring leveling process lads?



>Friends get me to try it
>It's just endless grinding with very little real meaningful content and shit loads of nice features locked behind the absolutely fucking horrid main story quest

Nope. Got almost to the heavensword content but I can't take it anymore.

Do the main story, potd grind for 3 years or be a fucking faggot and job boost

Hahaha this so much. When I started playing this I thought for sure it would have a fun community but literally no one talks ever unless they are erping.

First and formost you are not the chosen one, because every single player is suddenly the chosen one. You are not a hero because everyone is a hero. Furthermore you experience no personal adventure because in an mmo everything is inpersonal, you share your adventure with everybody, you see other people who are saving the world just like you. So what's the point? A Final Fantasy game should be strictly single player and stay single player. Every since FF2 the franchise tries to tell a story about characters interactions with each other and their sacrifices and you are a bond between all these events. If you take this franchise into an online game suddenly all the need for a hero who links the bonds between all these events are gone. Since everybody is special now, noone is. There is no need for a hero or bonds anymore since there literally millions heros playing who experience the same as you do and you have to share a world with nothing but heroes. It's kind of a bad joke. A dsytopia really.

This game probably has the highest amount of seethe I've ever seen. Just look at places like the shit posting if you wanna see the concentrated autism over every little thing.

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Because it really sucks

That thing is not an MMO.

Imagine shit talking a game you've never played.

Is this what autistic people actually think?

There's no meaningful content.
The social servers are full of mentally unstable idiots but they're shit at the game so if you like endgame you're shit out of luck.
If you want to do endgame content but don't have a tight group of friends to do it with you won't have a good time on the social aspects cause nobody ever talks on the other servers.
JP servers are likely to be much better, but NA and EU are awful.

Yes it is.


How is it in any way massive? Hell, it only technically has an overworld at all. It doesn't matter at all, there's no one out there, it's just the place people grind out the main quest if they don't want to pay to skip it.

So are you going to name the server I was supposed to join or not?

Are people so autistic they can't be social in a MMO? I literally walk up and talk to people all the time. Seems like the people with no friends don't know how to put themselves out there.

What the fuck is "meaningful"? This is so fucking subjective and pathetic when you need something "meaningful" from a game. Is this what losers with no purpose in life seek out of games?

A decent chunk of the playerbase is on consoles without keyboards and the game has no native voice chat because gooks are retards

Nope, I am not that guy. Sucks to be him though, buying a house for my FC was a hassle.

>It doesn't matter at all, there's no one out there
come on nigga stop playing on a dead server.

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you can talk to people on consoles through psn voice chat

I've literally never run into that problem I don't get how in the sea of hundred of thousands everyone is suddenly a console player that can't respond. Sounds kind of like postering to me.

I couldn't count the amount of times friends and I have been ghosted after having -fun- interactions with people, no reason whatsoever to cut off contact.
I should elaborate more. To me at least, meaningful content is something that is long lasting and eventually ends at a satisfying end point. For example, Eureka was a good concept but the first part was executed terribly and turned a ton of people off of it, though they did fix some of its issues later.
Savage raids are fun as long as the group is fun, which I'm lucky enough to have, but over 95% of the playerbase doesn't even touch that

It basically showed to WoWfags that their addiction and "King" isn't that great after all and has aged BADLY. Truth be told, it also came in at the right time, when WoW was in decline (which was happening expansion after expansion in the late years) and is at it's weakest.

At this moment, if any MMO can spunk WoW's big old filthy ass the best is FF14.

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Yeah, I don't get how people have trouble talking to people in this game unless they play on a bad server or are socially autistic themselves.

For some, because it's a successful eastern MMO that has eclipsed WoW.

For others, it's a multiplayer FF game and they believe FF games are only supposed to be single-player.

That sounds more like a you problem. If people are constantly ghosting you then I think you need a bit of self reflection.

Every full human being hates MMOs user

The game failed once already and MMOs are never supposed to have a revival after they die. Basically tortanic fags and downers.

You WISH Yas Forums cared about your little weeaboo game.

is this autism?

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Please help, what job should I main? Ask me anything about myself to help give advice.

What do you like to do in an mmo?

lets start with the basics, do you want to:
A: protect the team with a tank
B: keep the party alive with a healer
C: pack the heat with BLM

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considering they reach the bump limit everytime, they do.

>Stop having fun when I'm not having fun
is what it boils down to mostly.

I like to craft and hypothetically I like to do hard content, not super tryhard but semi-hardcore. Role wise I think i like everything but healing really.
Tank seems cool, Megumin is ok but I like most of the other girls more like Yunyun and Darkness.

cared enough to reply

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Because it's good

for tanks, of the two you can start as, i prefer PLD, but i do prefer GNB over the rest.

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